Post-running high protein/low carb snack/meal please?



  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    This is a good article about post workout nutritional needs. I was shocked when I first read it but have since realized MUCH faster recovery (from weights and running) times. Not sure if it applies late at night but good info nonetheless.
  • nickyskins
    nickyskins Posts: 100 Member
    Boiled chicken and a bananna r awesome. Sometimes i will mix peanut butter with instant oatmeal as well.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Chocolate milk is a great recover drink. If you are looking for more than that, how about some almond butter or something.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Do you eat dinner? Maybe eat dinner before the run and have the protein shake after?

    If not, plain greek yogurt (with no added stuff) and stirred in fruit may be a good idea.

    Nice calves! And what shoes are those?
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    Great thread. I'll keep checking back on this one.
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    After my weekend long runs, I do a large omelette of egg beaters with every veggie I can add to it and some cheese. I need protein pretty quickly after a long workout or I am exhausted and famished all day.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Out of curiosity, what makes chocolate milk so great after working out? Would that apply if you are doing weights as well? Generally speaking, I do a one hour work out. 30 mins of machines/free weights followed by 30 mins of hiit cardio. Thanks for any insight! =)