Question about Soy and Vanilla Whey

jujuky Posts: 26 Member
Can you tell me if I even need this in my diet? I have been using it to drink as an meal replacement with fruit or alone with nonfat milk. My question is will I not lose weight when taking it because it has protein in it and the bottle says for building muscle?
I haven't lost weight in a while and I am working out 5 days a week at a fitness boot camp. Just trying to figure out where I am going wrong and if maybe I should get eliminate the soy and vanilla whey stuff


  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Do you need it? No. I basically use protein shakes as a recovery tool after working out if it's going to be a while before I eat. I don't use them as a meal replacement.

    You might want to check and see how much sugar and carbs your shake has. That may be a big factor. A lot of shakes are loaded with sugar. If you like the meal replacement idea, that Vi stuff they sell at Boot Camp might be a good option.

    As far as it hindering your weight loss, I don't see how it could do that. You may just need to revamp your caloric intake. I would talk to Walt or Greg. They know their stuff.

    Also, if it is whey and soy together, you might want to change to either a whey only or soy only product. I know a really good one if you want the option. I don't know what brand you use but you get what you pay for and if you buy it at a place like Walmart or Kroger you might want to reconsider it because most times they aren't formulated to proper nutrition.
  • jujuky
    jujuky Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Stacy. Mine has only 1 gram sugar. But, I think I am going to change it all around Up my water and work my little butt off harder at boot camp. Been nursing my torn ligament for over 2 months and it's healed. Time to step it up. Just so frustrating! Are you working out tonight?
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    nothing wrong with a little muscle building action. don't worry about the scale so much. body fat could be decreasing and not even be displayed. plus eating extra protein will not "bulk you up" or keep you from losing weight.

    in fact, I think extra protein does the opposite for females. It gives us shapely muscles and helps lose the gut or saddlebags.

    I don't think anyone wants to just lose "weight" then we would all be skinny fat with sluggish metabolisms. We want to lose fat :smile:
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    I work my 2nd job tonight but I will be there tomorrow at 6pm and Saturday morning. :)