What keeps you going?

Ik when im working out especially on the treadmill and i just want to stop running or get off because im so exhausted the thing that keeps me on and pushing myself is that im a huge shopaholic and i told myself that i cant buy any clothes for myself till i lose at least 10 lbs. And the other day i found these shorts that i want for summer sooo bad!!!! So what keeps me on the treadmill is thinking if i get to my goal weight how awesome my legs will look in those shorts. And ill get to buy a tiny size!!!:laugh: Kinda silly ik but it keeps me going!!!

Whats your motivation?


  • nicole0177
    Ik when im working out especially on the treadmill and i just want to stop running or get off because im so exhausted the thing that keeps me on and pushing myself is that im a huge shopaholic and i told myself that i cant buy any clothes for myself till i lose at least 10 lbs. And the other day i found these shorts that i want for summer sooo bad!!!! So what keeps me on the treadmill is thinking if i get to my goal weight how awesome my legs will look in those shorts. And ill get to buy a tiny size!!!:laugh: Kinda silly ik but it keeps me going!!!

    Whats your motivation?
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm with you on shopping but the main reason is b/c my asthma is finally under control.

  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    sometimes i get to that moment when i am working out where i think "i'm tired. i could just stop right now if i wanted to." what keeps me going is seeing other people pushing themselves and knowing that i could do it too if i just convince myself that i can. also, i love fast paced music with a good beat. that helps me keep going. third, i keep telling myself that even though my work out is hard and i am tired, when i am finished i will be glad that i pushed myself. it is always worth that little bit of extra effort that you put in in your workout because you will feel good about yourself for the entire day. if i quit early, i know that i will be disappointed with myself after my workout. once you establish a good workout pattern, it becomes part of your daily life and i almost feel bad when i miss one of my workouts. i think developing a routine is a huge part of my motivation.
  • jcummings69
    My husband is coming home from Afghanistan in May after being gone for 15 months. I want to look as good as I did when he left or better!
  • nicole0177
    sometimes i get to that moment when i am working out where i think "i'm tired. i could just stop right now if i wanted to." what keeps me going is seeing other people pushing themselves and knowing that i could do it too if i just convince myself that i can. also, i love fast paced music with a good beat. that helps me keep going. third, i keep telling myself that even though my work out is hard and i am tired, when i am finished i will be glad that i pushed myself. it is always worth that little bit of extra effort that you put in in your workout because you will feel good about yourself for the entire day. if i quit early, i know that i will be disappointed with myself after my workout. once you establish a good workout pattern, it becomes part of your daily life and i almost feel bad when i miss one of my workouts. i think developing a routine is a huge part of my motivation.

    IK what you mean if im list fast paced music it just makes me want to keep moving and i forget where i am!!!! i get lost in the music LOL!!!:tongue:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Having more energy than I've had in three years is what is keeping me going:tongue: . Though I must admit I enjoy shopping more now too and look forward to a new bathing suit this year:bigsmile: . I'm kinda down right now though because I hurt my back :grumble: and can't do the cardio I was used to. It will slow me down for a while but I don't plan on giving up. I have 17 or so more lbs to lose and I want them gone for good.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    The music ... and this sounds really bad ... but there's this guy ... who treated me like crap and he's coming back up here in about a month or two for a beach party, meaning I'm gonna have to wear a bathing suit. I just want to show him up. Then after that, hopefully everything will be habit but if not, there's always the fact that I'm hitting up the beach with my girls this summer. Can't wait!
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    My husband is incredibly in shape.. i want to look good with him.. When I walk my dogs I listen to music.. it's so motivational...
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I feel the same way on my elliptical. I tell myself I can quit in 5 minutes. Then I get there and say I can quit in 5 minutes. I keep telling myself that until I hit the time I really want. It seems stupid, but then I feel like all I have is 5 more minutes instead of like 20.
  • Margy82
    I get up in the morning, workout, have my shower, and before I get dressed I stand naked in front of the mirror and look at what I have accomplished so far. Some days its my abs slightly wanting to peak through my belly fat, or my checks slightly indenting, or my breast starting to perk up, or my shoulders and arms starting to show some definition. Everyday I notice something different and I love it so much that I am glad that I got up early to do my workout again. The way I look after an intense session, that's what keeps me going, it getting out of bed in the morning, at 6am instead of 7:15am, that's the hard part:laugh:
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    My motivation comes from the satisfaction I feel when I've accomplished something I made as a goal for myself--not something someone told me to do--or something that benefits another--but knowing that without any accountability--I DID IT...
  • fanaticalbattle
    I tape a picture of my dream body to the front of my exercise equipment

    haha. I know you're not really supposed to idolize celebs because it's not realistic....but it sure does keep me going.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I really really do not want to buy bigger pants and I would just die if I split another of my fat pants *sigh*:laugh:

    Lets pray that there is no splitting involved in my future :wink:
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    sounds daft but I can't set the timer on the elliptical to count down but if it counts up I find the workout so much easier and I use 30 as a magic number 0 to 20 is hard 20 the 30 is ok but I will allow myself to give up after 30 if I want to but I nearly allways get to 40 and am always glad to have gone that extra bit.

    Plus whoppee for ipods couldn't do any of it without it and the same for gum I drink before and after with little sips every 10 mins but can't drink too much while exercising or I am sick so gum seems to help me that way.

    My hubby has promised to buy me a new pink ipod when I reach 2 lb under my goal. (2lb under because I promised him that we will go to our favourite chinese restaurant the week I reach my goal so the 2lb is to allow for that)
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Hmmmm my motivation right now is my nephews wedding in October (long term goal)...my other motivation is my life....I want to live long and have fun! My mom is very unhealthy (she thinks it is funny?) and she came to visit in Dec. and I (sorry to say) saw my future if I didn't lose the extra 25 lbs....anyway...music helps too and my children!!! :wink:

  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    Summer beaches.........
  • tiretread
    My motivation is to complete a triathlon after I get out of here.
  • alyfin
    alyfin Posts: 103
    I agree with the fast paced music. I change my pace with to match the beat so it gives me something to do every few minutes.
  • RowanC
    RowanC Posts: 38
    My motivation is the desire to live to see my great great grandchildren!
    I knew both of my great great grandmothers and hope to live into my 100s like they did!:flowerforyou:

    Their exercise was daily farm work....:noway:
  • subo369
    The motivation for me, is myself, and the desire to be in a smaller happy place. I'm just getting started here, but I have great hope and expectations, one pound at a time!