Songs that are on your mind



  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited January 2023
    @snowflake954 Yesterday, I had a hair appointment. The next client was 99 years old. She's still driving, lives on a ranch that is 60 miles out of town. I said, hurry UP and get me out of here. I didn't want any door or fender dings.
    Ring ring. Another hair salon is calling, she's at the wrong salon. I head for the door as she's blowing into the parking lot. I look at her vehicle, no visible dings. I wait, so that I can hold the door for her. I could have carried this tiny no-see um and placed her into the chair. She's spry and feisty. I ask her how she's doing and she says, I take it one day at a time. What else can I do.

    When no-see-ums can barely look over the wheel, should they be driving. The roads are snowy and icy. I think it's scary as hell. I know another 97 year old, she backs into everything. Cars, poles, dumpsters. She just drives off. It's a total cluster. She tells everyone exactly what she thinks. She told me that she can get away with it because of her age. She's very smart and enjoys making people uncomfortable. She told one lady to quit smiling so big because all of her gums were showing. She said, that just makes me sick. :D:# You look like bugs bunny and it makes your teeth look like tiny chiclets. :D

    She told another lady to quit looking into the mirror so much. She asked her if she was looking for a boyfriend. She told her that her pants were too tight and it doesn't look like she's wearing any underwear. This lady makes me howl. She has card parties. Ladies demand/want special food and drinks. One woman insists on de-caf coffee. She makes two pots, exactly the same. Fully caffeinated. She writes a sign, De-caf coffee on one pot. The other lady tells her it's the best de-caf coffee she's ever had.

    I lurve seniors, you know I do. They're my favorite food group. As long as I don't have to watch them eat with their mouths full and talk. They are level-headed... with food falling out of both sides of their mouth at the same time. Driving? Not so much.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited January 2023
    @snowflake954 It's been so long since we milled around and shot the breeze. There's another blizzard out there and I'm stuck in the house. Do have to make any gluten-free dishes for anyone. Next Italian dinner I have, I'll make two serving dishes of the exact same thing. I'll write gluten-free on one and gluten-full on the other. Ain't none of them have a medical diagnosis. They're all self-diagnosed gluten-free foodies. Unless you're medically diagnosed, it's mostly imaginary thinking. Belly UP to the trough and have at it. I can't tell that going gluten-free has helped them. They eat twice as much and wonder why they're larding UP.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    @snowflake954 It's been so long since we milled around and shot the breeze. There's another blizzard out there and I'm stuck in the house. Do have to make any gluten-free dishes for anyone. Next Italian dinner I have, I'll make two serving dishes of the exact same thing. I'll write gluten-free on one and gluten-full on the other. Ain't none of them have a medical diagnosis. They're all self-diagnosed gluten-free foodies. Unless you're medically diagnosed, it's mostly imaginary thinking. Belly UP to the trough and have at it. I can't tell that going gluten-free has helped them. They eat twice as much and wonder why they're larding UP.

    THIS is a stitch! Let me know how it goes. I love funny old people (I'm in training myself), I agree that when they get behind the wheel it's a good idea to get the h*** out of the way.

    I'm too busy. Lots of appointments. My right leg has been aching since the summer and over Christmas I had trouble walking. I'd start off OK but then every stride was a real pain. I saw my BIL after the holidays. He gave me the standard--lose weight, and calm down (blood pressure was high). NOBODY tells me that I just do too much and need a vacation--I haven't had one for so long, I guess I'll just work til I keel over. Anyway, I had a bone density X-ray. That was fine. Nothing's changed in 10 years, and I'm not at risk for a fracture. He prescribed a FANS for inflammation--5 days on, 5 days off until the box is done. First 5 days my leg still hurt deep down, 2nd round with the meds and BAM! the pain disappeared. However, it's just masking the cause, so I'll be doing more appointments.

    The squirrels are fun. I've got them after school for 4 days next week.

    My Mom is a problem. She's not completely with it. Funny, all the females in the family can see it, but my brothers think she's fine. She's 93, and sitting out on the farm watching TV. Two of my brothers live there. One works during the day, and the other is retired, but has gone on his yearly trip to Mexico for 3 months. There is a service that comes in twice a week to give her a shower, wash her hair, change her bed, and do light cleaning. She gets "meals on wheels" that she just has to microwave. My other siblings are jumping through hoops to get out there so she isn't constantly alone. She refused to go into assisted living for 3 months. When I call she seems down. Sigh.

    I just keep pedaling--like a hamster on a wheel, and don't get anywhere.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited January 2023
    @snowflake954 Is it your scary nerve? Sciatica. You've been working so hard. I'd take care of Maw for you. An 82 year 'young', woman went into assisted living this fall. She fell, so now they've put her into a care center. I get your Maw. Care centers can be depressing as all get out. After that, they move them into hospice.

    Care centers are closing all around me. No one wants to work there anymore. They can't find help. Having children does not guarantee they'll take care of you in the end. There was a news report this week that skilled workers are falling by the wayside, too. Without plumbers, electricians, carpenters, mechanics, nurses, farmers and ranchers, what will people do.

    With the care centers closing, kids have to pick up their parents and figure it out. I'm glad you have the squirrels to brighten your days. That senior friend who makes the coffee, she is a diamond. She picks up the tab for school kids who can't afford a lunch. She buys trunk loads of food for the food cupboards. She ain't big on pomp and pretense. She only pops off to the hoity toity, those with their noses perpetually stuck in the air. I can't help but laugh. She bought me something really special. I will cherish it until the day I take a dirt nap.

    They just had a big talk at the famous museum about my aunt's life. The lady rancher and cowgirl. I'd show you her photo, but I've reined my family history in. I know myself. B)

    Snowflake, does the therapy pool help your leg. Your family needs to send you to the mineral spa in Tuscany. Saturnia. I have no idea what they'd do without you. You're a national treasure, too.
    We can only take it one day at a time. What else can we do.

  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    @snowflake954 Is it your scary nerve? Sciatica. You've been working so hard. I'd take care of Maw for you. An 82 year 'young', woman went into assisted living this fall. She fell, so now they've put her into a care center. I get your Maw. Care centers can be depressing as all get out. After that, they move them into hospice.

    Care centers are closing all around me. No one wants to work there anymore. They can't find help. Having children does not guarantee they'll take care of you in the end. There was a news report this week that skilled workers are falling by the wayside, too. Without plumbers, electricians, carpenters, mechanics, nurses, farmers and ranchers, what will people do.

    With the care centers closing, kids have to pick up their parents and figure it out. I'm glad you have the squirrels to brighten your days. That senior friend who makes the coffee, she is a diamond. She picks up the tab for school kids who can't afford a lunch. She buys trunk loads of food for the food cupboards. She ain't big on pomp and pretense. She only pops off to the hoity toity, those with their noses perpetually stuck in the air. I can't help but laugh. She bought me something really special. I will cherish it until the day I take a dirt nap.

    They just had a big talk at the famous museum about my aunt's life. The lady rancher and cowgirl. I'd show you her photo, but I've reined my family history in. I know myself. B)

    Snowflake, does the therapy pool help your leg. Your family needs to send you to the mineral spa in Tuscany. Saturnia. I have no idea what they'd do without you. You're a national treasure, too.
    We can only take it one day at a time. What else can we do.


    That's nice about your aunt. I don't need the fine details, the internet is a fun, but dangerous place. Better to not give out random information, however, I do remember all your stories from past threads. It's Western color--in 3D. You have an amazing family. Hold em' close.

    As you know I exercise and stretch a lot--over 10 hours a week. I also started Tai Chi again and THAT stretches everything out. There's an amazing Chinese woman that does the class at our fitness center. She's 56 and is so supple she can twist herself into a pretzel. I'll be satisfied with a lot less. B) I still do yogaflex once a week too. It all helps. Being of north European descent a hip replacement is in my DNA. I've been holding it off for years, but sooner or later the piper will be paid. I'm afraid that may be the problem. Gotta see what shape my cartilage is in next.

    We have a lovely whirlpool at our Fitness Center but it's been closed since COVID. I loved it, especially in the winter. You know, with all those hot springs in your neck of the woods.

    I'll let you know what the doc says. Nite.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited January 2023
    Absolutely. Yes, it is.

    I hope you don't need a hip replacement. One of my relatives had both knees and hips replaced. All four have already worn out. She's in constant pain. She's not heavy, never has been. She's a downhill ski instructor, golfer, biker, hiker and swimmer.

    I'll be sending one UP the flagpole for you.

  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited January 2023
    Dem bones, dem bones, dem bones