Songs that are on your mind



  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited March 2022
    @snowflake954 Hope the move went without a hitch. There's 7 goats and 3 horses in the intersection, only 5 drunk skunks, 1 too skinny dog in a pickup, a loose license plate swinging in the breeze and a woman took a hammer to her boyfriend's truck. Weekly blotter. Ooo, yeah. My folkaronies read this. ;) They want to name a mountain after J ackson
    P ollock because he grew UP here but some think we should name it after k anye. B) I thought about it but I'd miss you and Cat, too much.

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    @snowflake954 Hope the move went without a hitch. There's 7 goats and 3 horses in the intersection, only 5 drunk skunks, 1 too skinny dog in a pickup, a loose license plate swinging in the breeze and a woman took a hammer to her boyfriend's truck. Weekly blotter. Ooo, yeah. My folkaronies read this. ;) They want to name a mountain after J ackson
    P ollock because he grew UP here but some think we should name it after k anye. B) I thought about it but I'd miss you and Cat, too much.


    It's been 2 days now of moving--just across the street, so the men carry everything and my sons too. I've been working so hard and am beat---I sat down tonight and can't get up. We all went out for pizza. The kitchen isn't completely hooked up (moved the old kitchen with granite counters), and will have to be cleaned.

    I'm a designer (or was). I designed furniture for my sons and a carpenter made it. Their dressers and night stands have marble tops. One son has hunter green, the other has a granite that's blue and grey. Their furniture was designed for each of them and the look is completely different for each. I designed a desk for my oldest that has a gray and blue granite pillar holding up a crystal glass writing area that fits into a set of drawers in honey colored walnut in a black wood casing. All this stuff weighs a ton. I was a nervous wreck that the men moving it all would smash it to smithereens. However, it all made it and is being assembled. I've been cleaning and hanging curtains over there--up and down the ladder a million times. Tomorrow is another day.

    What we spent 16 years ago to have this stuff custom made, we could not do today. Economically we've hunkered down. I'm a housewife that just designed a bit for fun. I used to be an Interior Designer in the States. Sometimes I think I should have started designing furniture sooner. Oh well, life's been interesting, so I can't complain.

    I'm crawling off to bed now. Nite.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited March 2022
    @snowflake954 You carry all the benchmarks and traits of a creative person. I knew that on day one. I'm sitting here in awe of your designing talent. You are the Woman. My cup runneth over. I'm not going to blow smoke but here's one of the traits.

    You find beauty in the ordinary. Creative people live in the present and find the world around them a constant source of inspiration. Ooo, hells bells. Creative people understand the power of atmosphere and like to create an atmosphere. Location, location, location. If you don't have that one down pat, I don't know who else does.

    Being a people watcher.

    Creative people experience emotional highs and lows. Life is not a straight line.
    It's a roller-coaster full of dips, drops, hills, loops, and twists. Sometimes you might experience an eruption of happiness and or sadness within minutes of each other. The most painful parts of life will find themselves in your art.
    You seek inspiration.

    Inspiration doesn’t happen on its own. You search for inspiration wherever you can find it.

    You have an interesting sense of humor.

    You evolve like a boss.
    An ability to adapt to challenging scenarios is necessary for survival in the creative process.

    You hate stereotypes.
    You understand that human beings are way too complicated to be dumped into gender roles or stereotypes.

    Creative people don’t have a filter when it comes to inspiration.
    They think life would be much more fun if everyone just said what they were thinking with no filter without being mean as hell. There is no such thing as TMI for gathering what you need to create.

    You take time to think.
    Your brain is your greatest asset.

    You don’t bend to pressure.
    Whether it’s a hater who thinks your work or art sucks, a family member who thinks “you should get a real job,” or a friend who thinks your idea “will never work,” you don’t cave to outside pressure.

    Alrighty, then. That's it in a nutshell without the whole bushel. This applies to The Cat, too. She's got it. Ahh, baby, she's got it. :)

  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    I have a corresponding song.
  • Ironwoman1111
    Ironwoman1111 Posts: 3,913 Member
    edited March 2022
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited March 2022