
Hi Everyone! I found this website after seeing the weight loss tracker in several forums I visit. I took the plunge and joined this fine community!

I'm 33, weigh 210 and stand 6'1". I think my ideal weight is 180, so that's my target!

I'm a sugar-holic! I would like to cut out all added sugar from my diet. This is really my main obstacle for losing weight. In addition I need to exercise more. I have the 30 day shred that I'm going to start. I figure that's probably a great start to get my sedentary rear moving again! Also, I've never been able to run comfortably always having knee and ankle issues. So after finding out about the book "Born To Run", I've started doing exercises for barefoot running (although my plan is to uses minimalist shoes).

Now I'll venture over to the food and nutrition section for some support on cutting sugar all together!

That is all. :happy:



  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    Hey there,

    cutting sugar has been one of my hardest things to do. I tried going "cold turkey" and went into serious withdrawals. LOL. I kid you not. I would first start by taking out the refined sugars as much as possible and sticking with the natural sugars, such as fruit. Instead of using white sugar in your coffee/tea, use honey or agave. You can also use that in your baking as well.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I will help you in any way that I can. :)
  • minrunner
    minrunner Posts: 7
    Hey, good to know I'm not alone in my sugarless quest! I love coffee and I'm glad I like it black. I saw the sugar thing on 60 minutes a while back and it talked about how artificial sweetners are not good for you because they can trick your body into going on a sugar food binge...ruh roh. So, I think my 2 main goals would be to exclude refined sugar and artificial sweetner (no more Coke Zero or Diet Dew!).
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    hey ladies....after my weight loss stalled even eating in my calorie range, running and lifting weights, I saw a nutritionist....the light bulb finally came on in my head. I gave up sugar and all flour, processed foods. I eat single ingredient foods now, chicken, fish, steak, veggies, a little fruit (gotta watch it, sugar is sugar), nuts, and only sprouted bread (no flour). Consistently losing 2 lbs a week and body fat% dropped drastically, still eating the same amount of calories and same work out routine, just cut the sugar and flour which gets stored as fat right on our stomachs. gross huh? yeah I know. I am a clean eater now! My diary is open if you want to friend me you can see exactly what I eat. After about 2 weeks I didnt crave sugar anymore....even the sweet fruits now are too sweet for me and I was a home baked good addict....id bake it, eat it, and not lose.

    hope this helps you
  • Matuszma
    Matuszma Posts: 2
    Hello, I just started my journey as well. I'm learning that even foods that you don't think have sugars in them, do. So, try cutting out some of the extra carbs too...I'm also increasing my protein intake quite a bit. Eating small meals about 6 times a day, instead of three larger ones.:smile::smile:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi Everyone! I found this website after seeing the weight loss tracker in several forums I visit. I took the plunge and joined this fine community!

    I'm 33, weigh 210 and stand 6'1". I think my ideal weight is 180, so that's my target!

    I'm a sugar-holic! I would like to cut out all added sugar from my diet. This is really my main obstacle for losing weight. In addition I need to exercise more. I have the 30 day shred that I'm going to start. I figure that's probably a great start to get my sedentary rear moving again! Also, I've never been able to run comfortably always having knee and ankle issues. So after finding out about the book "Born To Run", I've started doing exercises for barefoot running (although my plan is to uses minimalist shoes).

    Now I'll venture over to the food and nutrition section for some support on cutting sugar all together!

    That is all. :happy:


    First of all welcome!!!
    Have you thought about buying five finger vibram shoes for running it's the closest to barefoot as you can get without actually being barefoot.
  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    Hey, good to know I'm not alone in my sugarless quest! I love coffee and I'm glad I like it black. I saw the sugar thing on 60 minutes a while back and it talked about how artificial sweetners are not good for you because they can trick your body into going on a sugar food binge...ruh roh. So, I think my 2 main goals would be to exclude refined sugar and artificial sweetner (no more Coke Zero or Diet Dew!).

    It's so true, isn't it? the ladies who wrote below are right. cutting out sugar and flours are definite great ideas! I just know that I had to do it slowly. Cutting our packaged food and increasing protein are also great ways to start. I use a whey protein isolate powder and mix it with almond milk and eat raw nuts to help with my protein intake. :)
  • minrunner
    minrunner Posts: 7
    hey ladies....after my weight loss stalled even eating in my calorie range, running and lifting weights, I saw a nutritionist....the light bulb finally came on in my head. I gave up sugar and all flour, processed foods. I eat single ingredient foods now, chicken, fish, steak, veggies, a little fruit (gotta watch it, sugar is sugar), nuts, and only sprouted bread (no flour). Consistently losing 2 lbs a week and body fat% dropped drastically, still eating the same amount of calories and same work out routine, just cut the sugar and flour which gets stored as fat right on our stomachs. gross huh? yeah I know. I am a clean eater now! My diary is open if you want to friend me you can see exactly what I eat. After about 2 weeks I didnt crave sugar anymore....even the sweet fruits now are too sweet for me and I was a home baked good addict....id bake it, eat it, and not lose.

    hope this helps you

    Ladies and dudes (me)! :happy:

    Sounds like some clean eaiting and similar to the Paleo Diet. We have switched to grass fed beef, free range chicken, cage free eggs and coconut oil to get rid of the unhealthy fats and increase the good ones. I would like to cut out the flour. What about brown rice? Do you eat that?

    My uncle had some serious kidney issues. They were operating at 40%. Hey made the switch to the Paleo diet and is kidneys are now at 100%. He's a true believer needless to say.

    I have heard that 2 weeks is about the magic number lose the sugar crave.
  • frostypenn
    frostypenn Posts: 7
    Here's a trick to try when the sugar craving is on:

    1. Have a dill pickle or anything sour.
    2. There is a tapping exercise in Paul McKenna's book or maybe somewhere online that works SOMETIMES, if you are into that.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    You and I are similar. I stand at 6' 1.5". I'm 27 years old.
    But whereas you are 210 shooting for 180, I started at 280, currently 260, shooting for 208.

    The reason my weight goal is so high relative to yours is an formula I found called the "Willoughby Athlete Weight", a formula developed by a man who did a study on thousands of top-tier athletes of all kinds, and found patterns in their weight (for me that weight is 208) and waist size (for me, 34").
    I play a lot of sports, and sports is my main motivation. I'd consider going lower than 208 if I decided I was going to be hardcore runner, but I play a lot of defense and need power every bit as much as endurance.

    I'm going to request you as a friend just because we're similar in age and height - I'm always looking for people like that.
  • minrunner
    minrunner Posts: 7
    Hi Everyone! I found this website after seeing the weight loss tracker in several forums I visit. I took the plunge and joined this fine community!

    I'm 33, weigh 210 and stand 6'1". I think my ideal weight is 180, so that's my target!

    I'm a sugar-holic! I would like to cut out all added sugar from my diet. This is really my main obstacle for losing weight. In addition I need to exercise more. I have the 30 day shred that I'm going to start. I figure that's probably a great start to get my sedentary rear moving again! Also, I've never been able to run comfortably always having knee and ankle issues. So after finding out about the book "Born To Run", I've started doing exercises for barefoot running (although my plan is to uses minimalist shoes).

    Now I'll venture over to the food and nutrition section for some support on cutting sugar all together!

    That is all. :happy:


    First of all welcome!!!
    Have you thought about buying five finger vibram shoes for running it's the closest to barefoot as you can get without actually being barefoot.

    Yep! I have looked into those, specifically the KSOs but I'm leaning towards the Merrell Road Gloves. From what I've read, one can't go wrong either way. Regardless of which ones I get first, I'll probably get the other kind as my next pair. :smile:

    So I assume you use Vibrams and are a minimalist or barefoot runner? I joined the barefoot group on here. For now, I'm strengthing up and going barefoot as much as I can during the day. I'm anxious to get started!
  • minrunner
    minrunner Posts: 7
    Here's a trick to try when the sugar craving is on:

    1. Have a dill pickle or anything sour.
    2. There is a tapping exercise in Paul McKenna's book or maybe somewhere online that works SOMETIMES, if you are into that.

    Mmmmm...I love pickles and anything vinegary! :happy:

    Thanks for the tip!
  • minrunner
    minrunner Posts: 7
    You and I are similar. I stand at 6' 1.5". I'm 27 years old.
    But whereas you are 210 shooting for 180, I started at 280, currently 260, shooting for 208.

    The reason my weight goal is so high relative to yours is an formula I found called the "Willoughby Athlete Weight", a formula developed by a man who did a study on thousands of top-tier athletes of all kinds, and found patterns in their weight (for me that weight is 208) and waist size (for me, 34").
    I play a lot of sports, and sports is my main motivation. I'd consider going lower than 208 if I decided I was going to be hardcore runner, but I play a lot of defense and need power every bit as much as endurance.

    I'm going to request you as a friend just because we're similar in age and height - I'm always looking for people like that.

    Never heard of that formula, but it makes sense! We are all unique and have different lifestyles/activities!

    I'll look out for your friend request.