Oops, just went to the sweet shop..

emhow Posts: 79 Member
Bought and eaten 200g of sweets. Feeling very discouraged. One sweet binge won't set me back will it? Been at this for 60 days doing really well, stepped on the scales this afternoon and wasn't happy with what I saw. So I've emotionally gobbled down some sweets. Need some motivation right now.


  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    One day isn't going to hurt you and of course you weigh more in the afternoon. Get back up, dust yourself off, and continue to eat healthy. :)
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    You said it yourself - 60 days of doing really well. 1 off day. That's pretty impressive by most peoples' standards - forget it and move on tomorrow!
  • Gamaesca
    Gamaesca Posts: 13
    You need to focus on how well you did the past 60 days and give yourself a break. Get back on board again don't look back. The scale isn't always going to show what we want, are you taking measurements? I find when the scale doesn't buge I lose inches. Be good to yourself and next time treat yourself to something other than food. Reward yourself with something other than food. Hope this helps.
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Yes the 60 good days should out weigh the 1 day you ate a few sweets. Hell I went drinking for the first time in a long time last Friday night and consumed a lot of calories and went over my food calories Saturday and Sunday! :( But this week I've gotten back on track with my food, and have worked out everyday so far, even intensifying my workouts knowing I had some making up to do and the scale keeps going down. So don't beat yourself up over it. Just get back on track tomorrow (or even right now).