extra skin?

im worried about extra skin. how do i make sure i dont have extra skin? lose slowly? but how slow is ok? is like about 10 pounds a month, give or take, a good rate? are there specific exercises i can do that will tighten my skin? particularly around my middle? i have about 50 or 60 pounds to lose before im happy. i already have stretch marks, which are irreversible, and i dont want to add extra skin to that too.


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    As long as you are losing - it doesn't matter how slow the pace is.

    I'd say 10 pounds is pretty fast paced...a pound give or take a week would be a slower pace...drink plenty of water - exercise. I've found that only on my belly so far where I now have some baby stretch marks - they were filled in before with chub do I have a LITTLE bit of lose skin and only when I bend over - my skins been very resiliant but it's been 10 1/2 m ( 1 did lose 10 pounds a month for the first 4 m then it slowed down) It also depends on your age too....

    good luck - but I've gotta say even if I were getting some saggy skin, I'd rather have it and feel the way I do than have the chub and feel the way I did with it!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I imagine moisturizing regularily to help replenish your skins elasticity would help too?
  • saketabledsoe
    I understand how you feel about the "extra skin". I've been worrying about it too. What my personal trainer told me is that you can tighten skin as you build muscle. So, the advise I'm about to give you, I am going to take myself - exercise regularly along with eating right. Make sure to do strength training exercises too. I know that I cannot afford to have a tummy tuck, or anything like that, so, I try to concentrate on my abdominal area.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I think genetics will play a significant role here.
    I've seen some people bounce back from 50 lbs weight gain and not have 1 stretch mark or droopy skin. Others, well, not so lucky. I think it depends how long you've been overweight? Skin looses it's elasticity over time - especially in your 30's. Think about taking vitamin C which helps with cell rejuvenation.
  • MrsMoore143
    Ive read that it takes time for excess skin to go away after significant weight loss. Also start working on muscle build up. Thats supposed to help too.:smile: