Starvation Mode

How do I get myself out of starvation mode without freaking out over initial weight gain due to increased calorie intake???


  • BigB1924
    BigB1924 Posts: 30
    Enjoy a cheat meal. Eating something that would not be in your normal diet. Go out to eat and enjoy yourself, or have something that you crave. Enjoy one every 7-10 days to help keep your body guessing.
  • Merrilies
    Merrilies Posts: 32 Member
    I was wondering the same thing - I've had an awful virus recently - sickness and diarrhoea - so haven't been able to eat a single thing for 3 days - starvation mode.

    I think we just have to eat small portions initially and build back up to our daily allowance maybe.
  • lpbm5
    lpbm5 Posts: 63 Member
    I completely agree with BigB. I did that a few yrs ago, kind did a 'normal' day of no dieting and I always lost wt. Sometimes your body needs something to keep it guessing, as was said.
  • _Refried_
    _Refried_ Posts: 194
    How do you know your in starvation mode???
  • BigB1924
    BigB1924 Posts: 30
    You know you are heading towards starvation mode because you will feel weak all the time and not losing weight anymore. Always feeling hunger pains.
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    If you are eating, you are not starving.
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    Even people in "starvation mode" still lose weight. You've simply lowered your metabolism somewhat. Once you eat more, your metabolism will return to normal. People blow the concept way out of proportion.
  • Laura7057
    Laura7057 Posts: 7 Member
    Because this is a battle that I have fought for years. I don't eat tons of food but can never seem to lose weight. Overall I make healthy choices in foods except for chocolate. I started tracking what I eat on here previously and realized that I forget to eat alot because I am rarely hungry and overall take in less than the recommended calorie intake. I walked 263 miles on a track last summer and did not lose a single pound. Every time I get back to really paying attention and try to eat more I start gaining weight and freak out and end up back to eating very little.
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    Because this is a battle that I have fought for years. I don't eat tons of food but can never seem to lose weight. Overall I make healthy choices in foods except for chocolate. I started tracking what I eat on here previously and realized that I forget to eat alot because I am rarely hungry and overall take in less than the recommended calorie intake. I walked 263 miles on a track last summer and did not lose a single pound. Every time I get back to really paying attention and try to eat more I start gaining weight and freak out and end up back to eating very little.

    If you legitimately are exercising and not underestimating your calories per day and still not losing weight, I would suggest having your thyroid checked. Starvation mode is not the reason you are not losing weight, no matter what the masses of MFP-goers say. I'm not advocating a low-calorie diet, I'm simply telling you that it is not the cause.

    The age-old argument-- if you do not lose weight due to starvation mode, then please explain anorexics and the stick-thin children in Africa.
  • Laura7057
    Laura7057 Posts: 7 Member
    Every time I have had my thyroid checked it is borderline so they will not treat it.
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    Maybe you could try low-carb?

    You look pretty little, so maybe the even though the scale isn't moving you're still making progress.