Why am I sabotaging myself?



  • betteringmyselfeachday
    We all have our "falling off the wagon" moments. EVERYONE. You have to remember what you want most is not what you want right now (ie to be skinny instead of eating a brownie).

    1.Put up some motivation things on the fridge, in the bedroom, on your cellphone, EVERYWHERE.
    2. Try using a search engine for a weight loss projector simulator, it will show you at your current weight and what you would look like at your goal weight. It will be like omg like at my before/after when you are just starting! It is awesome motivation.
    3. If 30 day shred is too hard on your knees try something with less impact. As you get stronger, so will your knees!
    4. Write your list of why you want to do this. Write down a list of what you want to do after you reach your goal.
    5. Watch shows like the biggest loser! Not promoting, just know how motivational it has been for me.
    6.Keep your head up. You can do this!
  • betteringmyselfeachday
    Oh and if you feel like eating bad food, paint your nails! Because then your n ails are wet and you can't eat or do anything until they are dry! Usually by the time they are dry, you have talked yourself out of eating bad. Plus you end up with painted nails! :)
  • almostfortysix
    It sounds like you're doing amazingly well, and you just have to cut yourself some slack. I recently had the same problem and essentially wrote off the last month. But today is a new day and we get to start fresh!

    And BTW, according to Jillian Michaels, the 30DS does NOT have to be done in 30 consecutive days. She always recommends taking at least one rest day per week, and training different muscles a day or two a week. So don't beat yourself up, just listen to your body and try trading off the 30DS with a yoga video or walking or something that is easier on the knees.

    And to pass on a little nugget from a therapist friend of mine... when I asked her why I keep sabotaging myself and overeating or stopping exercise, she told me to think about WHY I AM AFRAID TO SUCCEED. We all know the fear of failure, but we're also really good at keeping ourselves in that familiar place. I'm still working on coming up with an answer, but it might help to think about it. The "why" I want to lose weight is different than the "why" I'm afraid to actually do it. Good luck! Here's hoping we can all keep moving forward!!

    Why am I afraid to succeed......
  • almostfortysix
    Why am I afraid to succeed........
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm really sorry. When you feel joint pain from your exercise routine, it is always difficult to want to continue. Have you tried taking glucosamine, by the way? That COMPLETELY eliminated my joint pain.

    I think sometimes your brain goes into "f*** it" mode where you feel like a failure already, so what does it matter that you watch what you eat? I also agree that we ALL fall off the wagon at some point. You'll get back on and lose the weight again. 2lbs of mostly water weight isn't a big deal. I think you should plan out your exercise and food for the next few days so you don't have to think about what to eat, you just follow the plan. Good luck, I hope you get your motivation back soon!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Wait.. you don't like fruity pebbles??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I got on the scale today even though I said I wouldn't and I'm up 2 lbs. I get why I'm up 2 lbs. Just because I'm not eating over my calories I am eating junk.

    If you are not over your goal, and still at a deficit - then it is not possible for poor choices to add weight as in fat.

    And in fact, for fat, you'd have to add 7000 calories in whatever space of time it took to add the 2lbs.

    Was that almost a weekly measurement? So do you think you ate your daily goal, all your exercise calories, ate your daily activity calories, and additional 1000 calories each day for a week?

    See, you didn't gain 2 lbs of real weight.

    But if you have been in glucose depleted state by underfeeding your workouts, and finally ate enough to top off, 1000 cal's of carbs over several days weighs 2lbs.

    Excessive sodium compared to last weigh-in could also have added some.

    So think a bit more realistically about it. It's like when someone says they gained 3lbs the morning after eating a piece of wedding cake, and that was the only bad thing they had at the reception, or only thing. Did the cake weigh 3 lbs? gotta get real.
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Why am I afraid to succeed........

    You're not afraid to succeed. It's hard work. It's so much easier to eat poorly and not exercise. I agree with some of the other posters to make a plan for the next few days with your meals and exercising. Do lower impact exercising. Set mini goals for yourself and take each day at a time. I think we have a way of looking too far in advance and not thinking we'll ever get to our goals. You can do whatever you set your mind to...know that. :) Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Bumping....I am having the same issue as well...I can't seem to stop snacking on sugary or salty foods...I want to lose weight so bad but I keep eating things I know I shouldn't....Nothing too too bad but nuts are my new fav food & it's causing my fat numbers to be over which I never had a problem with until I couldn't stop eating them throughout the day & night!! UGH!! Also, I am gungho on a new DVD & I will quit before the end of the 30 or 90 days b/c I am not seeing results fast enough... :(
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 237 Member
    This morning I atr FRUITY PEBBLES!!!!!!! TWO BOWLS and I don't even like them!
    Any input?

    I was looking at your food diary and I know why you ate the Fruity Pebbles. There doesn't seem to be much fruit in your diet. When you don't get enough fruit, your body craves sugary sweet stuff. Add some fruit, it will make a huge difference.
  • coddy4
    coddy4 Posts: 12 Member
    I love the 30 day shred, are you talking about the Jillian Michaels DVD? It really works, I get hurt too, gosh it stinks being overweight, that is the only reason we get injured during these!! I hurt my left heal. This isn't because of the DVD, it was because I had bad sneakers. Anyway, I have about the same to lose, about 65 pounds at a minimum, dust off your diet vacation and get back on track. I don't mean to be disrespective to those who struggle with alcoholism, but I see my diets as similar to being a heavy drinker. I have really bad days, and each day I wake up afterwards I wish I could undo the day before. I am learning (work in progress) to forgive myself. I started my "journey" yet again this Monday. I consider everyday a new day and I keep telling myself, if I stick with it, if I stick with it, if I stick with it, today will be the worse I ever feel, if I stick with it, I will only feel better. Stick with it and just focus on today!