please help!

I need some food ideas for my husband..he is interested in losing weight but the man is PICKY!! Mostly things he can pack for lunch for work and snacks. Thanks!


  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm not trying to be a brat by posting this but if someone is serious about weight loss they will eat foods that they normally would not. It is part of the sacrifice. I never ate veggies ever until I started eating healthy. Now I eat them almost every meal every day. I still don't like them but I want to lose weight and be healthy.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Tell him to cut his meals in half and stop drinking pop if he does that should help a little bit that is what my Husband did and he is picky too ;) oh and he lost about 50lbs from that
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Tell him to man up and make it happen. If he wants it bad enough then he'll do what it takes. I just recently stopped putting sugar in my coffee and I don't care for raw, dark greens. However, I have goals and am willing to do what it takes to reach them. As the previous poster said, it's as simple as that. Of course, you don't want him to become discouraged from eating things he doesn't like all the time, but there are literally thousands of alternatives and interesting ways to mix it up. He simply has to put in the work, HIMSELF, to find them. What do you mean by "picky?" That will limit the amount of help that can be offered without a better explanation. Good luck to the both of you!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i agree with the others. he's already trying to make excuses for why he's going to fail.

    just start with stuff he likes and have him eat less of it and add in a few things that are good for him that he might not like :smile: