
Breakfast is probably the hardest meal I struggle with! I cannot seem to get just the right amount of calories. I was just curious to see how many everyone else eats for breakfast. If I eat under 100 I feel like I have more leeway for the rest of the day. On the other hand my mom is telling to eat a lot of calories in the morning then I have more time to burn it off.

Opinions would be helpful!


  • BigB1924
    BigB1924 Posts: 30
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is where most of your calories should be eaten.
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    I try to do around 300 calories for breakfast. I treat it like a small meal. Then about the same for lunch & more later....

    However, if you look at my'll see that this is not always the case lol
  • MariarR33
    MariarR33 Posts: 69
    I try to eat 200-250 calories at breakfast. I also eat 4 more times during the day, which helps keep me from being starving. I don't know if it matters how much you eat at breakfast, as long as you are satisfied, but not full. If I eat a big breakfast, then I usually don't have a morning snack. Listen to when you are hungry and eat something. IF you wake up starving, eat a little more.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    300-350 most days. I eat pretty much the same thing every morning. 2 granola bars 190 calories and a piece of fruit, a large apple or a large grapefruit. So depending on the size of fruit it puts me around 300-340 or so. Sometimes I will have my egg meal that equals 310 calories. 2 eggs scrambled with 1 serving shredded cheddar cheese and 1 serving turkey deli meat. Or I will have a bowl of oatmeal for 160 calories and a fruit to put me at around 300 calories.
  • nancyv73
    nancyv73 Posts: 16
    I try to eat 200-300 calories for breakfast. If I stay under 200, I am hungry by 10am. :smile:
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I'm not a breakfast person, mine are usually between 100 - 200 including a cup of tea with sugar. I can't imagine having much more because it wouldn't leave me as much for the rest of the day when I actually feel like eating.

    I understand the 'most important meal of the day' thing and I guess a good breakfast does set you up for the day but I just can't stomach it. I think as long as I'm within my calorie goals for the day it doesn't matter when I have them. Small breakfasts have been working fine for me.
  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member
    I usually get around 250 cals for breakfast. The main goal is not to go over 500 for each meal and have something healthy to snack on in between if you need to. You want your calorie intake to be no less than 1400 in any given day because if you do that, your body will go into starvation mode and will hang onto the fat and other stuff. For me, I visited a nutritionist for a while when I was prediabetic and my range is 1400 to 1800. I try and stay within 1400 to 1600 per day. Some days I go over that top limit but it sometimes is getting hard to reach 1400. It will take time. If you can afford to do it, I would suggest meeting with a nutritionist so you can find out what your limit should be. Mom doesn't always know best. That used to be the norm about eating more in the AM and eating smaller throughout the day but you really want to balance out your cals throughout the day. Hope this helps.
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    Today I had 180 for breakfast. I was hungry by 10:30. I made myself wait until 11 to eat lunch. My problem is, is it just because I am not use to eating smaller amounts, or am I actually hungry! Complicated stuff!
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I haven't ate breakfast for years. It doesn't matter. Eat when you're hungry.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I haven't ate breakfast for years. It doesn't matter. Eat when you're hungry.

    Really this is true. It doesn't matter when you eat your calories. If you don't like breakfast or simply aren't hungry in the morning than just don't eat. I have to have breakfast or I can't function. I get light headed and weak and shake. I get really bad brain fog too. I wish I could skip breakfast and save more calories for a huge dinner, but that just doesn't work for me.