40 pounds down and I’ve plateaued! Help

I’m 26 and currently at 200 pounds. The scale said 199.8 last week but hasn’t dipped below again. I started on MFP at just over 240 in January. I’ve cut down my calories to 1200 and exercise daily. I’m walking for about an hour a day total with some playground exercises (rope latters, climbing walls, balance and stretching). Every evening I do an hour of hard cardio (rowing class, climbing hills, Aerobic DVD). Each weekend I increase my level of exercise by using sports for entertainment (Frisbee, tennis, hiking, etc). But for the last week and a half I have lost nothing :(
The absolutely horrible thing is that I simply NEED to lose the weight. Seeing my progress and knowing I was sticking with it we changed the order on my wedding dress to a smaller size. I am still three inches off around my waist. Trust me I am committed to losing the weight for the wedding but would overall like a routine with results.
Did anyone else plateau so early?
I’m looking for any advice to help me break through this plateau and continue towards my goal.


  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    I don't think a week and a half is a plateau! I have gone two weeks with no loss and then the next week I drop 3 pounds. Weight loss is not quite linear. My progress looks like steps. Down a couple, then straight line, then down a couple.
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Do you eat back your exercise calories??
  • hollylynn32
    hollylynn32 Posts: 5 Member
    I have done the plateau thing too. I started at 190 and am down to 177. When I get stuck in a rut, I look at my activitiy and food. Sometimes getting into a routine of eating the same foods daily and doing the same types of exercising (time amount doesn't matter), the body gets board. I would say increase your calories a bit with fruits, veggies, protein, then do something completely different for excercise. Try some yoga for a week with walking since you have been doing vigorous cardio workouts, it will shake your body up. If you don't like yoga, try some weight lifting instead of the just the cardio....

    Hope that helps and good luck.
  • kimberleedawn2012
    kimberleedawn2012 Posts: 7 Member
    I just seam to be stressed about hitting this silly deadline so yoga seems like quite the idea. I have not tried it since getting back into shape.

    I do not eat back my calories most days. I do eat some when we are having very vigorous workouts and I simply need more energy.

    I am not opposed to increasing my time working out but would love some ideas.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Try eating more. If you are only eating 1200 calories in a day and don't eat your exercise calories back you are most likely not giving your body the fuel it needs.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Your not eating near enough

    LOok for your BMR & join the group
    Eat more to weigh less