*New!!! Need friends for motivation!

Hello, My name is Jen.
New to mfp. So I need some friends to help me out!! I am 22 years old & defiantly feel & look over weight. I am 130 lbs and 4"11 ft. I never really thought of myself being over weight, until I recently seen a picture of myself.. I was so sad, when I seen how I really looked next to my skinny sisters. I really thought after having two kids, I looked good. Haha No, I was lying to myself!! My youngest is going to be one years old in July. SO its now time for this Mom of two to get her butt back in shape!!!! Before having kids, I wasn't even 100 lbs.. Even tho I know, I will never be able to be under 100 lbs, I am willing to work for 115-110 lbs.
Good luck to you all!! =) Jen.


  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    Hello! Howdy! Hi! Feel free to add me!
  • Monstertrel
    Monstertrel Posts: 33 Member
    just added u friend.
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    My wife is 4'-10" and we've done many weight loss programs together. Weigh Down finally worked for her and that was over 10 years ago. She eats anything she wants but really pays attention to portions. Feel free to add me.