Get Bigger Arms & Pecks yet Not gain Weight in Legs

Hey, I am 21, currently 156lbs, standing at 6 feet. I am pretty skinny, but my fat tends to go to my legs, I'd like to slim down my legs a tiny bit but mainly add on to the size of my arms and pecks. I am already pretty defined in arm muscle, I just want them to get bigger as opposed to more defined... for example when I flex I see a ball when I'd rather have an all around toned and large looking arm

how can I fix my workout and diet to achieve this goal? Thanks!!


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    a lot of the appearance of your arm when flexed is based on genetics and how your biceps muscles are shaped.

    either way if you want bigger arms, do heavy compound lifts like rows, pullups, deadlifts, and then some isolation work.

    if you're 6 feet tall and 156, there is no way you should be trying to slim down your legs.

    eat more and lift heavy. and train your legs.
    no one wants a guy with chicken legs
  • thanks for your response man! I will follow your advice