What is a good treadmill?

Hello! I am in the market for a treadmill. I'm looking for one that I can run on, counts calories, and is between 100-400 dollars. Any suggestions?!


  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Check Craigslist. Don't buy new, you're wasting money. Reebok, Ironman, are good. Cybex is really good. Go for wider belt, longer belt, When you find one, put it at the highest incline and run on it as fast as you can, if it feels solid and not moving around and clunking, you've got a good one. One with a built in Fan would be good too.

    Not all treadmills are equal. I've used some which are very cushioned and feel great to run on . Others are hard and noisy. So keep looking around. but when you find it, put it through it's paces, press all the buttons, have it go up and down and slow to fast, make sure it works. They're not worth trying to repair.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    OP also, do not buy one if its maximum speed is quite low, because as you get fitter and increase the speed, you could eventually have it running at maximum for a long time, that will wear it out.

    Some treadmills go up to 20kph or more, this means you will be running at a percentage of the maximum speed rather than at the top speed it will run at. Rather like a person really lol.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I bought a proform off craiglist some years back for like $200 and it still works great! Has power incline, quarter mile track and timers on it.