Eating to few Calories

Hey I need abit of advice,

I have read lots of posts on here about always eating all your calories, most of the time I dont and its only because I am not hungry, I could eat them but if I did I would most probably spend the extra cals on choc or crisps etc which could lead to a binge so I choose not to.

Should I eat them?


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hmm, you'll get alot of varying responses. I guess it's really what works for you, I found eating them all back didn't work for me and I didn't lose weight....although funnily enough now I'm maintaining I can eat them all back and it's fine! Also, everyone will say you'll need to net at least 1200 cals a day and if you're on this calorie allowance you should eat enough bakc to keep you at 1200.

    hth a little
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    You should eat your minimum calories to keep your metabolism humming. Add some nuts or avocado to your meals or choose full fat over low fat/fat free. That way you're getting in more calories without adding a lot of extra food. Bottom line, you need to eat to lose.