2 months no weight lost...



  • freezingmoon
    my next question is....now that i've effectively put myself into a "Starvation mode," what's going to happen when I up my calories?? should i do it gradually?
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Serious question, why are you tring to lose so much weight? That's going to be way too thin for your frame and will take a TON of work to maintain! In fact, you are already at the low end (based on BMI) for a woman of your height with a light frame... careful or you will cause more problems than you fix!

    Trying to live up to some crazy standard that's unatainable isn't worth your time... you look great now, enjoy it!
  • Karey
    Karey Posts: 8 Member
    You look great and dropping that much weight is going to change what makes you female, curves! If you want to change your shape I agree with the majority, lift weights. I am also reading the 17 Day Diet. It starts you at lean meats, fresh veggies, yogurt and a couple servings of yogurt. As you progress grains & legumes are added back in.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    my next question is....now that i've effectively put myself into a "Starvation mode," what's going to happen when I up my calories?? should i do it gradually?

    You're not in 'starvation mode' really (whatever the heck starvation mode is). What's happening is your metabolism has adjusted to the reduced energy availability. It's hanging on a little tighter to adipose tissue and lean mass because it thinks you're in some kind of trouble. Gentle trouble, but trouble nonetheless.

    If you raise your cals you might see a short term weight gain. But your baseline should re-adjust to the higher cals after a while (as long as you are still eating at or below your TDEE).
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    If everything is as it sounds, you're not overestimating your daily net calorie intake somehow, try eating more.
  • satxdc99
    satxdc99 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with all of the eat more comments. You are not eating enough.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Welcome to "Starvation Mode". Your body has adjusted to the lack of nutritional intake and is presently making up for the loss by depleting your muscle mass.

    Find your BMR, Set your target weight loss/week goal. and finally EAT MORE.

    This is probably your answer.
  • aztec1966
    aztec1966 Posts: 12
    You could say you jog 7 times a week but the real issues are how long do you jog and and at what pace??
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    my next question is....now that i've effectively put myself into a "Starvation mode," what's going to happen when I up my calories?? should i do it gradually?

    Personally, do it immediately and dont look at the scale for 2 weeks. Your body will need a 3-5 days to adjust.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    You could say you jog 7 times a week but the real issues are how long do you jog and and at what pace??

  • freezingmoon
    Serious question, why are you tring to lose so much weight? That's going to be way too thin for your frame and will take a TON of work to maintain! In fact, you are already at the low end (based on BMI) for a woman of your height with a light frame... careful or you will cause more problems than you fix!

    Trying to live up to some crazy standard that's unatainable isn't worth your time... you look great now, enjoy it!

    according to a chart i'm actually at the tail end of the "healthy" BMI range, i'm not sure where you're looking. the only weight i want to lose is the spare tire i have around my stomach. i still have a muffin top with most pants, overhanging in the back, sides, and front.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    yep, because 900 probably isn't enough. females need 1200 minimum for normal functions -- so eat more. eat back your exercise calories. NET at least 1200 calories. period.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Your body gets used to how much you eat. This is not necessarily a good thing when you are eating too little.

    WHY 1200 CALORIES (or fewer) MIGHT BE A BAD IDEA:

    You lose weight for a while and maybe you will make it to goal (the bigger you are, the longer this will work, however most people can't get those last 10-20 lbs off at 1200 calories).

    The longer you do this, the longer your metabolism has to adjust downward and get used to 1200 calories. Assuming you make it to goal, you want to maintain, right? What do you think is going to happen when/if you get there and it's time to maintain, when you start trying to eat "maintenance" calories? You'll gain. Welcome back to the yo-yo.


    Eat now, like the thin you at maintenance. Fat2Ftiradio.com can help you find the TDEE of your ideal weight: Choose ALL CALCULATORS, MILITARY BODY FAT%, then get your bodyfat estimate. Now calculate your BMR, and look in the chart below to see the TDEE of your goal weight -- that is how much the thin you will eat at maintenance.

    Eating at maintenance for your ideal weight is a great idea because you will eat THIS SAME AMOUNT of calories for life. Your metabolism will not slow down to match too little fuel (1200 calories), and consequently stall on the way to goal, or cause you to gain when you try to increase calories later to maintain.

    BTW, if you have been eating below your BMR for an extended period of time, and especially if you have been stalled/plateaued for an extended period of time, you may experience a slight gain for some weeks after you increase to the proper amount of calories. However, at the point where your body adjusts to the proper amount of fuel based on your dally activities, you will begin to lose again and break through the plateau.

  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    You are probably not eating enough. If you go below 1200 calories a day you body goes into starvation mode and holds onto the fat. At your height you should have around 1500 calories to maintain your weight and then add how many calories you burn while working out. Now to loose a pound a week you need a 500 calorie deficit so than subtract that. So for instance say you burn 300 calories you burn while working out that what bring you to 1800-500=1300 and this is the amount you should be taking in

    With that being said it is not all about calorie counting it also has to do with the food you are eating. For instance are you eating processed food or drinking soda? Does most of your diet consist of veggies? Our bodies just don't function very well with certain foods and that could be the issue. If you want feel free to message me and I can help you out. I could even take a look at what you are eating on a regular basis to help you determine where you may need to tweak some things.
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Serious question, why are you tring to lose so much weight? That's going to be way too thin for your frame and will take a TON of work to maintain! In fact, you are already at the low end (based on BMI) for a woman of your height with a light frame... careful or you will cause more problems than you fix!

    Trying to live up to some crazy standard that's unatainable isn't worth your time... you look great now, enjoy it!

    according to a chart i'm actually at the tail end of the "healthy" BMI range, i'm not sure where you're looking. the only weight i want to lose is the spare tire i have around my stomach. i still have a muffin top with most pants, overhanging in the back, sides, and front.

    Thats understandable then... just try to keep yourself in a realistic place, maybe some more exercise outside of running to tone and tighten... seems like you are well on your way so good luck! For toning etc why not try some cross-fit WODs. Really easy to find online and you don't need any weights if you just do bodyweight routines. Running, itself has been shown to be detrimental if you are doing too much... in fact slow, continuous walking is by far the best fat burner and is so muh better for your knees.

  • weightlossguy01
    You should check out bodybuilding.com forums, lots of professional fitness models (both men and women) post on there who are very cut. Or search google for "stubborn belly fat bodybuilding".

    some threads that come up...

    I've read a lot of threads on there and after looking at your macros, what they'd likely tell you is it looks like you aren't getting enough protein so your body composition is off. Also lower belly fat is one of the hardest things to lose in the end, every fitness expert says it. There are body builders with 4 packs and 13% body fat that can't lose their remaining lower belly fat. From everything I've read on it, you got to up your protein intake to improve your body composition towards more lean body mass. You could even look into some popular weight loss supplements that supposedly have ingredients that target stubborn fat.

    I've read articles in the past that say Yohimbe early in the morning with your workout on an empty stomach helps target certain receptors that reduce lower belly fat. You have to search around google to find more on it. Some claim others do as well...

    Best of luck!