Home cooks

Hey there, I am looking for people who like cooking healthy food. I'm mainly eat home made food and would enjoy the company of other home cooks! Feel free to add me if you're into cooking and would like to exchange tips and recipes.


  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    Feel free to add me. Have you been on skinny taste.com. I love that site.
  • khrystyna82
    khrystyna82 Posts: 45 Member
    Skinny Taste is an amazing site, I use it alot for recipe ideas. I tend to cook most things at home since alot of resturants add alot of oils and butters to cook faster. You can add me too. Exchnging recipes would be awesome.
  • siobhano_
    siobhano_ Posts: 101
    I love cooking my own meals, especially using recipes from online and changing things around to make them healthier. I edit Nigella Lawson recipes, Jamie Oliver recipes and magazine ones, and use Skinnytaste.com and the healthy food guide website as meal plans :)
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I've never heard of skinnytaste.com, I'll definately check that site out! I love cooking and exchanging recipes too so anyone please feel free to add me as well.:smile:
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    I love cooking and rarely eat anything but my own cooking, always looking for great friends and recipes.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I cook several times a week... and then we eat leftovers.
  • satxdc99
    satxdc99 Posts: 74 Member
    I mainly eat at home. Only eat out for special occasions. I would love to add you.
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for sharing Skinny Taste - I'd never heard of it before and I am always looking for new recipes. I'm glad to see she has lower calorie baking recipes as well, I love to bake but the downside of it is that I end up with a house full of treats.
  • vibegirl
    vibegirl Posts: 69 Member
    Definitely a home cook...I'm vegetarian and boyfriend meat eater...so always looking for help!
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    I'm all about simple ingredients and quickly prepared healthy food. I love shaing meals I'm proud of and getting ideas from others :-) Ie I wish I knew more about Asian flavours and herbs.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I cook just about everything from scratch. I get most of my recipes from marthastewart.com.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    A whole lotta website/blogs full of delicious recipes there :)