Road Trip Tips?

Evellitha Posts: 61 Member
So leaving in less than a month for a 3 week road trip that will take me from Montreal (Canada) to California. We'll be doing alot of road time, will be going to visit Death Valley, Mt Rushmore etc.. I need tips as to how to keep active (Apart from hiking it up when in the parks) and how to keep eating clean while staying in hotels for 3 weeks.


  • avidnessss
    avidnessss Posts: 4
    I'd say to avoid eating out as much as possible. Grocery shop and stock up on food that you can travel with- applesauce cups, mandarin oranges, peanute butter to-go cups, granola bars, even loaves of artisan bread. Avoid bags of chips, snack cakes, poptarts, etc. As for staying active, I'd say to take advantage of any swimming pools or exercise rooms at the hotels you are staying at, as well as the hiking you'll be doing. :) Oh, and have fun!
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Agree w/ the poster above... buy healthy food along the way at grocery stores & keep them in the car (bring a cooler). For exercise, besides walking or renting bikes at the sites you stop, try to start & end the day w/ some exercise. For example, go for a run in the morning, yoga before bed.
    Also, nice hotels often have workout rooms.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    you don't have to eat at the hotel, you can eat somewhere healthier. and that said, most hotel restaurants/coffee shops have oatmeal, yogurt, green salads, etc on their menus. hotel desserts, on the other hand, are horrible and rarely worth the money or the calories.
  • Evellitha
    Evellitha Posts: 61 Member
    Good ideas! I want to avoid restaurants as much as possible. I'll bring a cooler and keep veggies and fruits to snack on over chips and peanuts. :) Awesome tips girls thank you!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    We are going on a massive road trip in a few weeks, too. We will have two kidlets in the car with us, so some of our activity will be built in. We usually stop every few hours to run around for a minute-- we try to stop by a playground or a field or something and then play tag or chase for a few minutes. It's better than nothing. Or we skip, or hop or something.
    We try to stay in hotels with indoor pools- and stop a bit early at night and go for a swim.
    I will try to do squats while pumping gas- yup, I look CRAZY! But it's better than nothing.

    I love Lara bars to travel with- fruits and nuts and they are delicious! They are great in a pinch and feel utterly decadent.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I took a three week road trip last summer, from Chicago to Toronto to Montreal to Boston to Maine and back home to Chicago...with many stops between. We camped. I lost weight.

    The cooler was packed full of veggies and fruit and water. We stopped at regular grocery stores along the way to restock, never at a gas station or campground store. We did eat out for some meals, but made good choices every time. Oatmeal breakfasts... sandwiches for lunch.... fish for dinner. Simple foods. And local beer. Okay that's not health food but it fills me up and makes me feel satisfied!

    Most of our trip was hiking and cycling when we weren't driving from city to city. I also went running several times. And some of our campgrounds had these bouncing pillow things....20 minutes on that was plenty! Really, without access to a TV or fridge...and with limited computer access, I found it easy to lose weight without focusing on calorie counts. Good luck and have fun!