i WILL be cheating today.



  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    guys.. really.

    he's not saying 200 cals over is the same thing as 1000 cals over.

    he's saying if you're going to cheat, cheat GOOD, so you're less likely to do it again. 200 cals is obviously better than 1000 cals over. but either way, you've gotta pay for what you decide.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    If you are going to cheat, cheat good :) It's not like its going to matter if you are two hundred calories over or a thousand calories over.
    NOOOOO!!! It does matter! If you are 200 calories over, one night, it's not going to effect your weight loss. 1000 calories over, you'd gain nearly half a pound!!!

    That's why I hate the "cheat" idea. It's not cheating, it's treating. You're treating yourself and yet you're staying within reasonable limits. That's great! Enjoy!

    ETA now i read thru everyone else's replies, and here's my thought on treating "good" - on a normal day, I might have a 60 cal dark chocolate bar if it's within my calories. but a good treat is a Hershey's with almonds, love those... that's really treating myself, as long as I dont' get the 5 pound bar and eat it all in one sitting. Which I've done in the past. And yes, it does matter....

    As far as losing weight the next day, as least with my body, the sodium hits the next day, if I am way over on sodium, I puff right up. But the actual meal doesn't seem to hit for a day or two, and then sometimes not at all.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,986 Member
    I love the idea of treating, not cheating.

    I treated yesterday...it was soooo gooood....until I went to bed with an overly full stomache and tossed and turned all night long. That's a lot of motivation to eat clean for a while again. I shouldn't eat after 7:30pm and I remember why now.

    So, what did I do today? I woke up at 5:30am and did an intense workout, and I did a little more of a workout at noon. I'll probably do a little walk or something tonight also...more for the mental part of a treat day. I think mentally a treat day can mess with you. You have to rebound as quickly as you can after you treat.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I'm reading some of these posts, the guilt full ones over a cheat meal, and I cant help but to think why TREAT yourself if you are not even going to enjoy it? Just do it and don't worry about the calories.

    Seriously its a personal choice in how you look at treating yourself but I'm telling you as a matter of physiological fact that it does not matter if you go over a couple hundred calories or a cool thousand calories. If you do not treat yourself to extra calories often enough in a context of QUANTITY OF TREAT DAYS to impede on your progress then ENJOY those treat days and go over by a thousand calories if you want to.

    But, heed this fair warning... If you are going to feel guilty about treating yourself afterwards then don't bother treating yourself because you are setting a psychological stage to sabotage your results and that is not what anyone wants.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I love the idea of treating, not cheating.

    I treated yesterday...it was soooo gooood....until I went to bed with an overly full stomache and tossed and turned all night long. That's a lot of motivation to eat clean for a while again. I shouldn't eat after 7:30pm and I remember why now.

    So, what did I do today? I woke up at 5:30am and did an intense workout, and I did a little more of a workout at noon. I'll probably do a little walk or something tonight also...more for the mental part of a treat day. I think mentally a treat day can mess with you. You have to rebound as quickly as you can after you treat.

    Haha, that is exactly what keeps me from drinking beer the day of or even day before a work out. I know that if I have a beer or two then my workout is going to suck and I'm not going to feel good. So it's very motivating to just not drink beer at all except on rare occasion :laugh:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm reading some of these posts, the guilt full ones over a cheat meal, and I cant help but to think why TREAT yourself if you are not even going to enjoy it? Just do it and don't worry about the calories.

    Seriously its a personal choice in how you look at treating yourself but I'm telling you as a matter of physiological fact that it does not matter if you go over a couple hundred calories or a cool thousand calories. If you do not treat yourself to extra calories often enough in a context of QUANTITY OF TREAT DAYS to impede on your progress then ENJOY those treat days and go over by a thousand calories if you want to.

    But, heed this fair warning... If you are going to feel guilty about treating yourself afterwards then don't bother treating yourself because you are setting a psychological stage to sabotage your results and that is not what anyone wants.

    my bad, i reread what you posted about the moderation. cause calories do matter. or else the idea of this site would be pointless.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm reading some of these posts, the guilt full ones over a cheat meal, and I cant help but to think why TREAT yourself if you are not even going to enjoy it? Just do it and don't worry about the calories.
    lol and thats why i try not to "treat" myself or as i say cheat myself...because i only enjoy it a little and then want to go throw up afterwards (I dont) but then i fall off the wagon normally and puff back up to where i started if not bigger...soooo therefore i dont do it atleast not until im down to my goal weight and then can figure out what treat food calories i can have that fit with the exercise regimen to maintain my weight :bigsmile:
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I'm reading some of these posts, the guilt full ones over a cheat meal, and I cant help but to think why TREAT yourself if you are not even going to enjoy it? Just do it and don't worry about the calories.

    Seriously its a personal choice in how you look at treating yourself but I'm telling you as a matter of physiological fact that it does not matter if you go over a couple hundred calories or a cool thousand calories. If you do not treat yourself to extra calories often enough in a context of QUANTITY OF TREAT DAYS to impede on your progress then ENJOY those treat days and go over by a thousand calories if you want to.

    But, heed this fair warning... If you are going to feel guilty about treating yourself afterwards then don't bother treating yourself because you are setting a psychological stage to sabotage your results and that is not what anyone wants.

    my bad, i reread what you posted about the moderation. cause calories do matter. or else the idea of this site would be pointless.

    Right on. With consistency calories always matter.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member

    Wellthat' not true! It woujld be better to be only 200 over than 1000 over. with 200 over you might be up able to maintain your weight 1000 over would be a lot more than that!! It's all about cal in cal burned.

    See, that's what I always thought. Cal burned more than cals taken in is good, right? Okay, well, I've been burning almost 1/2 my daily calories for over a week now and I haven't seen any difference. In fact, the scale says I've gained 7 pounds...I never thought I'd get discouraged again. I was doing so well. I only had the last 20 pounds to go! :sad:
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576

    Wellthat' not true! It woujld be better to be only 200 over than 1000 over. with 200 over you might be up able to maintain your weight 1000 over would be a lot more than that!! It's all about cal in cal burned.

    See, that's what I always thought. Cal burned more than cals taken in is good, right? Okay, well, I've been burning almost 1/2 my daily calories for over a week now and I haven't seen any difference. In fact, the scale says I've gained 7 pounds...I never thought I'd get discouraged again. I was doing so well. I only had the last 20 pounds to go! :sad:

    Don't be discouraged, look at it in a truthful way for what it is. In truth it is a huge opportunity to learn how to change things up so that you continue to loose weight and get to where you want to be. If you are still working hard and eating right and still putting weight back on then it's because your body has adapted to whatever you are doing and is handling the work load so efficiently that you are not burning fat for energy. Change up your exercise routine every two or three weeks. Re introduce your body to a new stimulus every two or three weeks. Make your body re learn / re adapt so that it has no choice but to burn more and more fat for energy.