How to fight the urge while my family eats away



  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I mean no disrespect to your family, but have a long, hard look at them and ask yourself
    'is that what I want to look/feel like in a few years?'
    There's your answer!
  • Tiff6884
    Tiff6884 Posts: 28
    Yup, I'm in the same boat here! My husband can eat anything he wants and still look good. It stinks because he always wants fast food or to just sit next to me with a bag of chips or a container of cookies. I just want to cry half the time, but he doesn't care. It sucks and I get mad and then take all that anger to Zumba and rock it out!

    I agree Zumba is a nice aggression release! and fat burner!
  • j_marie322
    j_marie322 Posts: 6
    I truly appreciate all the advice and posts. Just reading it all has distracted me from the thought of earlier.

    I know I need to work creating healthier meals and not depend so much on my family when it comes to food. I'm actually doing well, I drink lots more water to help. I use my phone app and that helps me to keep track. I work out and that has helped me tremendously. I feel so peppy after my work out and I like it :)

    SN: I'm a recent college graduate back at home with my parents.

    Well thanks again, loving the concept of this new virtual family as someone mentioned earlier :)
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    First of all, you can eat more than a salad. Maybe the reason you really envy everybody else eating is because the meal you're eating is not satisfying you and you're not happy with it. So what you have to do is make healthy meals for yourself that you will enjoy. I know this from experience, once you weigh your healthy satisfying meal against what everyone else is eating you won't be tempted by other food.

    Secondly, youre not eating healthy for anyone but you, so enjoy it.
    Hi there, I am new here. I have been doing well for the past three weeks. I know it's not perfect but a great improvement and I've begun to see a change. My current challenge is that my family isn't on the same journey as me. I'd like to see them in a healthier state as well, but currently I'm the only one. It's really hard sometimes to look away and do what I need to. I have been pretty good at staying on track, but it can be so tempting when everyone else is eating anything and everything in front of me while I have a salad.

    I've tried in the past losing weight and I had and I wasn't trying as hard and not really paying attention, but it was all gained back. I have quite a bit to go and I don't know, but this time somehow feels different. I'm working hard at it and feel that this is truly my time to change my life. I just hope this mentality sticks around through out my journey. I know sometimes it can be rough to stay on track, but I have to.

    Any advice as to avoid and fight among a family with the same habits that got me into the position I am now.

    Thanks :)

    Exactly what I was thinking. My kid doesn't eat like we do, cooks what she wants, has candy, etc. and it doesn't bother us at all. The food we have is so yummy a lot of the time she asks to eat with us. If you make good healthy satisfying foods, then you are really setting an excellent example for your family. If you are eating salad and miserable why would that be motivating? If you want to know about our diet, you can message me and I'd be glad to share with you what we do. It's basically clean eating though. Super easy, filling, low calorie, and healthy.