Plantar fasciitis - Anyone else with this and foot pain?



  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I had this but as soon as I consistantly wore flat shoes it went away.
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    My mother has has PF for years, it was less painful as she wore shoes with more support, Clarks, etc (I thought I'd never get her out of her cheap shoes). Her doctor recommended the tennis ball and ice in a bottle that also helps

    Here's a foot question for you guys......

    I seldom wear flip flops, and when I do, it's the Nike kind that are padded (NEVER would I wear anything similar to the Old Navy flipflops)

    While I was on vacation, I took a step and stretched the arch of my foot - intense sudden pain that lasts for several seconds and then turns into a dull ache that lasts several hours. I have no problem walking or even doing the thing that I call a job (it's not pretty).

    It seems that this pull is happening more and more frequently when I am barefoot at home or in the yard in those flipflops. When I wear heals or even wedges, I have no problem.

    Thoughts? Input?
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    I was told I have it back in May. I went and got fitted for new shoes and bought a pair of inserts for arch support. I stretch the foot out every night and ice it when need be. For exercising, I do what I can do. If I feel I can run, I run. When it hurts I walk. Yoga has been doing wonders for me, because you are stretching yourself out while strengthening your bones.

    You can't slack on stretching when you have plantar and if you do it regular and take care of yourself, you will be back in no time doing what you use to like to do.

    Best of luck!

    P.S. Place a towel on the floor and scrunch it up with your toes, it feels good.
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    I suffered with PF for over 2 years, before I went to an Airrosti practitioner - it's similar to active release. I think any form of deep tissue manipulation would be helpful. They gave me some physical therapy to do at home - rolling my calves on a hard roller (I used a 4" diameter piece of pvc pipe; so cheap!), rolling my feet on a lacrosse ball, and stretching my calves for 1 minute. I did that twice a day for a few weeks, and haven't had a problem since. I make sure to do these things on days when I work (I'm on my feet all day), and sometimes after runs, if I feel like my calves are really tight. Good luck! I know how painful it is!
  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    I had this years ago. A like the baseball idea above. I used a large superball. I think too it is shortening in the arch. Don't over stretch achelilles tendon creates new problems. Good luck.
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    I had it a couple years ago, It lasted quite a while.
    You need to keep your heel flexed as much as possible. Make sure you stretch every day. I used a baseball to loosen it up everyday before getting out of bed. That worked well.

    I do the same thing, but using a tennis ball and have found that it really helps. It doesn't take it away entirely, but it does help.