:sad: I have been gone for awhile. And yes I have gained some weight back. It is time to get seious again and lose some more weight. Plese help!!!! Need encouragement.


  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    :happy: Glad your back. We'll al be here to keep to on track!:flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Just jump back on the wagon :laugh: This is a journey....there can be a lot of things along this journey to sidetrack us or knock us off the path all together. What is important, is that you step back on the path and set your nose to the grind! Just focus.... A lot of times, recommittment is STRONGER than the initial committment... So just determine with yourself that this is it! This is the time that you are sticking it out and going for the long haul... You can do this!!!!
    My second week, I was ready to give up (I know...I sound like a weenie:laugh: ) BUT I stuck through that second goals seem impossible far out of reach.... BUT, I stuck it out.... So, now..I am into my 5th week and I am actually enjoying this ride :happy: Its exciting! Yeah, there are still days that I have to MAKE myself do my workout....That old voice comes up and tries to talk me out of skipping it "just this once"....BUT I reason with myself, that listening to that voice is what got me in this mess in the first place :grumble:
    So, I'm just saying...stick it out!!! Push through it.!!!! We CAN acheive our goals, no matter how impossible they seem or how far away they look now.... If we can believe it, we can acheive it!!! :drinker:
    Good luck!!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Well (as if you need to be told) you def came back to the right place. Its hard to change for good, but atleast you've changed enough to realize you were going astray. I have faith you will loose some more weight!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Wow, you've lost 72lbs...that is AWESOME!!!!!

    Just get back on track and don't worry about. We all fall off once and awhile.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome back
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    Ahhh, glad to hear I am not the only one. I had a vacation in the UK, then had my brother visiting me during the Calgary Stampede, which meant lots of partying, drinking and doughnuts... I came tumbling off the band wagon, but climbed back with more determination than ever! Welcome back one and all and here's to our weight loss goals :drinker: