When you have fallen off the wagon.....

emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
.... how long does/did it take to lose fitness and gain weight back??

I haven't exercised for about 7 weeks now and haven't been logging. Although my total calories are possibly not horrendously over what they were, I know I am eating less protein and more sugar than I had been. Yesterday I braved trying on my most unforgiving dress pants and was surprised that they don't feel any tighter.

How long does it normally take for the hard work to be undone?


  • Everybody will be different..... if you have got away with it for 7 weeks, then nice one!

    I recently started up again and went for a run.... felt like death... but the next one felt slightly better... and so on and so on...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I agree that everyone will be different.

    I haven't been nearly as dedicated since I fell on the ice in January 2011. I really hurt my back when I fell and it has definitely affected me more than I'd like to admit. I was just getting back into a good gym routine and then I got a new job that completely switched my schedule (from 2nd shift to 1st shift). I haven't been to the gym since early April and my eating has been very erratic. I'm happy to report that I am maintaining my exact same weight, my clothes fit the same, etc. I do, however, notice that my body isn't as toned and firm as it used to be - so I've lost some of that. I'm hoping to go back soon, but it is just tough with a brand new job, new schedule, etc. Overall, I'm quite pleased with how things are going.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    According to your profile you have only 1kg to reach your goal weight. Is that really falling off the wagon?
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    According to your profile you have only 1kg to reach your goal weight. Is that really falling off the wagon?

    My goal was/is more about health etc than a number, that was just the weight I wanted to get to for the sake of choosing a goal. And I havent weighed myself in about a month so not sure where I am at now - only ever weighed monthly at most anyway.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I agree everyone will be different but I would say from my mindset when I hit rock bottom and had nowhere to go but up this became a lifestyle change not a temporary fix to an ongoing problem so this is my life now and it will be til the day I die... Looking at this from that perspective is the only way I view it...... Best of Luck.......
  • I agree also that it is different with everyone. I was working hard at losing weight and doing well and then I had to have surgery. Within the week of the surgery I gained 7 lbs. I have a hypothyroidism and gain weight so fast and the lack of exercise didn't help. I still can't exercise much, just take walks at a slower pace than I am use to so the weight isn't coming off. So yeah, we are all different and some will gain it back quickly when not exercising or maybe not eating right. Just continue eating right and you will be fine.