New workout & question re: whey for women!

Hi all,

So I have decided I am going to start exercising twice a day but splitting what I used to do (cardio and weights in one session). So my new workout will go something like this:

Mon: Lunchtime jog, gentle 5-6k. Early evening: Weights followed by 10 mins cross training
Tues: Lunchtime jog only
Wed: Weights only
Thurs: Rest
Fri: Lunchtime jog & evening weights/cross train
Sat: Jog as before or gentle bike ride
Sun: Rest

I have got the Optimum Nutrition whey protein and because I have never done two workouts in 1 day before I don't know what to do about taking the whey. Usually it would be taken either after my lunchtime job, or on gym days an hour before going to the gym (I eat my evening meal which is always protein straight after the gym), so I wondered if I would benefit from taking the whey from now on when I do 2 workouts as I did before.

Can anyone in the know advise on this?

I am not trying to bulk up, I am trying to lose weight, but I am taking the whey as I read it is good for recovery and also does aid with weight loss (new rules of lifting mentioned certain studies).

Thanks guys.


  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Anyone? :-)
  • gooiyw
    gooiyw Posts: 114 Member
    I take whey.. Usually as a post workout "mousse" as I mix it in Greek yogurt. Delicious as breakfast. And yes, it helps with recovery. You won't bulk up. Don't worry. Try to get a day or two of HIIT in. That's an awesome fat buster. And calorie deficit. Best of luck with your regime!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I hope someone can chime in for you. All I can do is tell you what I take as protein powder and that's syntha-6.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The only reason you would need it is if you are not getting enough protein with your regular diet. This is designed to supplement that. That being said, if you are using MFP protein defaults they are quite low 15% of total calories. I would suggest changing that to 20-30%, and if you are not getting enough protein to hit that figure from your regular diet then the whey supplement would fill the void.

    Protein does not bulk you up. If you are in a caloric deficit it will help you retain the muscle you already have.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I teach 2 classes on Wednesdays. 5:30 am and 9:00pm.

    I normally just do 1 cup of milk + protein But on my double workout out days, I take one scoop of protein, 1/2 glass of milk and 1/2 cup of water after each class.

    Not sure if that helps ...but that is what I do. :smile:
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    In all honesty, I would limit your cardio to non/weight days, and if you must on weight days, limit it to a brisk 15 minutes before the lifting. You are a woman, you won't bulk up, even with whey, you lack the proper male hormones to allow that.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    check out

    unless you are lifting to bulk up, timing of your daily protein intake isnt all that important. What is important is getting enough quality protein.

    I am not trying to sell you on the intermittent fasting, but since I started doing it, the results have been fantastic in all regards.
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    I hope someone can chime in for you. All I can do is tell you what I take as protein powder and that's syntha-6.

    Syntha 6 is great stuff. I use as recovery or as meal replacement if im meaga busy. Just make sure you check all the ingredients that are in your product against what you should be having in your daily diet.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Hi all,

    Thanks for the replies.

    I had the O.N shake as a meal replacement after my run, with a banana. I will have my other one before I hit the gym for weights tonight :-)

    My goal ratio is 45 carbs, 30 protein, 25 fat.
  • charliebrooke08
    Your goal ratio looks good and I like O.N.'s whey protein, but you shouldn't just be having a protein shake because you heard it's good for you. If you aren't meeting your daily protein requirements THEN you supplement it with a shake. Or for most people who are trying to gain muscle a shake is a great post workout meal replacement because you need to feed your body within a 30 min period after working out, preferably a high protein meal so shakes are perfect.
  • charliebrooke08
    Hi all,

    Thanks for the replies.

    I had the O.N shake as a meal replacement after my run, with a banana. I will have my other one before I hit the gym for weights tonight :-)

    My goal ratio is 45 carbs, 30 protein, 25 fat.

    2 shakes a day is lot for someone who isn't trying to build muscle, you might want to try and get more protein from food sources.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Hi, could you explain why 2 shakes is not good?
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    I can't meet my goals without it.
  • charliebrooke08
    Didn't look at your diary till now. Is there a reason you are consuming so much protein? It's awfully high for someone who doesn't want to get bulky and is trying to lose weight. At the end of the day an excess of protein will cause weight gain just like any other macronutrient. I take in less protein and I'm trying to put on as much muscle as possible.
  • charliebrooke08
    2 shakes in general is not bad, IF you actually need the protein. Though most people would agree that you need to try to get as much as possible from food sources before going to supplements. There is a difference between supplements your diet and replacing you diet with shakes. They are called supplements for a reason. Even at 160 grams of protein which is probably too high for your needs you should be able to easily reach that with only 1 shake a day.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Thanks for your replies :-)

    Do you think my protein goal is too high then? I changed it to the ratios I stated above as it was recommended by other people on here.

    I work in an office and due to my working hours I don't really have the time to get protein in during the day as I eat breakfast & lunch at my desk. I made the switch to almond milk which I now have with my breakfast to help increase that, but my largest amount of protein otherwise doesn't come until my evening meal.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Sorry I forgot to mention, I wouldn't normally replace my meal with a shake as I did today but when I got back from my run I was a bit late and couldn't eat what I had brought with me (ryvita flatbreads & low fat cheese triangles) so I just quickly made up the shake & drank that with a banana.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I don't think you have to have the protein immediately after working out, pretty sure that's been disproven, so the timing of your shake isn't as important as making sure you reach your protein goal for the day!
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I consume on average 130-150g protein/day. I lift 4-5 days a week and do 6 days of cardio (normally). On days I lift, I only ever do 20 minutes or so of cardio. On straight cardio days, I do more. I obtain a lot of my protein source from food, but also do a couple shakes a day. Right now, I am trying to gain lean muscle mass (bulking), and in a couple weeks I will start to cut. You can look at my diary (I wouldn't recommend today though! Look at my past days) and you can get an idea. I also have my lifting schedule posted in my blog.

    Edit ** When I say a couple shakes/day..I usually have a shake blended in the AM at some point (made with Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc) , and then drink a scoop of Whey after my workouts
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks for the replies.

    I had the O.N shake as a meal replacement after my run, with a banana. I will have my other one before I hit the gym for weights tonight :-)

    My goal ratio is 45 carbs, 30 protein, 25 fat.

    2 shakes a day is lot for someone who isn't trying to build muscle, you might want to try and get more protein from food sources.

    I totally agree 2 shakes a day is a lot. Try getting your protien naturally because drinking too much of the whey protien can make you gain weight. The naturall way is always the best.