Does anyone else get a bit bored on the treadmill??



  • razorbackrachel
    I get bored sometimes too but watching Netflix helps out a lot!! I've been watching How I Met Your Mother and the people around me think I'm crazy because I bust out laughing in the middle of the gym. Sometimes I go longer than normal to finish what I'm watching!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I never have a problem with the treadmill but I always have my app where I can listen to an audio book.

    And, I don't use the treadmill as much any more because the weather is so nice I can usually jog outside and that is way less boring.

  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Not me....I do intervals every time I am on a treadmill...whether I am running 2 miles or 7 miles on treadmill....I always do intervals...

    I will start off at a 2 on a 10 incline..then go to a 3.5...then drop the incline to 0 and jog at a 5 then I just mess around between 6 and 10 until I complete my run....I alternate speeds about every 1.5 to 2 mins....

    Another strategy is I run at a different speed for every song that comes on my mp3 player..

    Outside is more fun to run....but I can't go as long outside as I can on a treadmill...My knees are on fire after 2 miles on that hard pavement
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113
    same here...I can run for hours outside and can barely manage 3 miles on the treadmill. One time it was raining and I made it to 4 miles on the treadmill, and I think that was the longest EVER. If it's not lightening, I will run in the rain!
  • pj270764
    pj270764 Posts: 12
    I also find the treadmill boring unless I have a magazine to read. I normally do high incline walking for 30 mins
    or more so dont find I'm bouncing too much but would be bit more difficult if running!! No windows to look out of
    in our newly located gym either!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have a stationary bike that I use at home, been trying to find a decent deal on a good treadmill, I feel I waste SO much time on that bike and it doesn't burn enough calories. I WISH I had a treadmill! LOL! Though, walking outside is a lot better, feels better! Try going outside on your break instead!
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I have an exercise bike / eliptical trainer instead of a treadmill. I have to have music when I'm on it.
  • coletteann123
    WOW!!!!! loads of you feel the same then!! seems i need to work harder and push myself on the intervals which will mean i cant get bored because im trying to breathe and not pass out!!! OR pluck up the courage to venture outside fo a jog and change of scenery... not sure the world is ready for that sight so i think ill try some hard intervals today! ARGH but no i pod!!!!!!! :sad:
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I get bored looking at the treadmill. That's why I run outside.

    I really like the spin bike though. It's the only cardio machine I actually enjoy doing. I'd still much rather run outside or run stairs though
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Not me....I do intervals every time I am on a treadmill...whether I am running 2 miles or 7 miles on treadmill....I always do intervals...

    I will start off at a 2 on a 10 incline..then go to a 3.5...then drop the incline to 0 and jog at a 5 then I just mess around between 6 and 10 until I complete my run....I alternate speeds about every 1.5 to 2 mins....

    Another strategy is I run at a different speed for every song that comes on my mp3 player..

    Outside is more fun to run....but I can't go as long outside as I can on a treadmill...My knees are on fire after 2 miles on that hard pavement

    great advice...i also run differently to different songs. tomorrow i will do intervals :)
  • ayj72
    ayj72 Posts: 13 Member
    Without a doubt the treadmill is very boring, I much prefer to run outside. When I run or walk or do housework or cook for that matter I always listen to audio books on my ipod. I love reading but don't get much time to, I have a montly subscription to that I pay £16 for which gives me 2 book credits per month. Each book credit means that I can down load an unabridged audio book that might be up to 20 hours of listening. The website has 1000s of books to choose from. I find that if I am listening to a book that has really gripped my interest it motivates me to run further and I find it less tedious because I am so focussed on the book.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I listen to audio books or engaging podcasts (This American Life is a good one) while running. This makes the time much more enjoyable for me, but the downside is that I can't really do intervals because I'm too focused on what I'm listening to.
  • RunnerFive
    RunnerFive Posts: 67 Member
    Get the "Zombies... RUN!" app for your iPod/iPhone.... I LOVE TO RUN! Escaping zombies is a HUGE motivator!
  • sltap
    sltap Posts: 4
    Intervals are the way to go! I hate running and have a very short attention span but found this keeps me focused and working hard. It also means I can spend less time in the gym (yay!). There are some great treadmill workouts online:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I agree with you plus I have found that watching the TV, attached to the treadmill, will keep me from concentrating on what I am doing and therefore I do not get a good workout.
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi, I have a TM as well and use it when the weather is not good for walking outside. It is in my bedrrom so I turn on a TV show that I want to watch or just put in a movie DVD. Time goes really quick. I job or run or walk, go uphill to 8 -10 % grade., I pick up my speed and slow it down. I have water handy on the drink holder. I am ususally on the TM for 30-45-60 mins. Depending on my schedule.

    Please don't give up on the TM it has it advantages. Go outside when you can and use the TM when you can't.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Treadmill running sucks the life right out of me. I can run for a very long time outside and feel great after... 3 miles on the dreadmill and I'm ready to hang myself on the freaking pull up bar!!!!! Music/tv helps to an extent, but I still hate it and avoid it completely. I'd rather run in any weather than be stuck inside on a dreadmill.

    That said, you said you don't want to waste time on weights and stuff because you only have 40 minutes... and I beg to differ!!! If you have 40 minutes, you have the perfect opportunity to do some strength training which will REALLY change your body! When I started lifting I was amazed by how many inches I lost, especially around my middle... I'm down tons of sizes due to lifting. Even the machines at the gym will work once you start using them. No need to be intimidated by those. Get someone at the gym to help you make up a quick routine and do it every other day... you'll be shocked with the results!!! A quick warm up and weight session is EXACTLY what you SHOULD be doing!!!! Don't worry, you're still burning calories, but most important, you're building muscle which burns more calories just by breathing.... seriously!
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I love my treadmill. However I would be very bored if i didn't have my iPad with Netflix or all the seasons of dexter to watch while I was running :) lol
    I'm with you..........Easy to use. No weather to worry about. Just do it!
    Plus can watch Dexter or other good series like Breaking Bad
    Plus its much easier on your joints and body (especially at my age!)
  • coletteann123
    Yeah, treadmill action is super boring. We don't have the TVs attached at my gym, just a bunch up it is easy to not pay attention to them... I find myself staring at other gym people and judging them...

  • Charisse1011
    Charisse1011 Posts: 84 Member
    As long as I have my music i'm good....