
I spent half of Mother's day at the hospital with my dad. He was thinking he just had bad indigestion. When he got there, they noticed his BP was 185/115, very high. He was suppose to be observed for 24hrs. Next thing I know, I received a phone call that he was being rushed over an hour away to St. Vincent's for open-heart surgery. He had the surgery Monday. He's recovering very well. As of yesterday, he was taken off of all tubes, IVs were removed and sutures taken out.

Let's just say I'm exhausted. I didn't get to do my regular workouts but after walking up and down hallways, from the parking garage, up and down stairs (I rarely took the elevator), I did get a workout. I just want to sleep and not be bothered. And just the think this is still not the end of it. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:


  • MsDandimite
    MsDandimite Posts: 52 Member
    *hugs* That must be both mentally and physically exhausting. How scary for you and your dad! I hope for his quick recovery and that you can rest.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Praying for your peace of mind/heart and energy/strength and for your dad's quick and complete healing. I hope you get some rest!