new exercises needed!!!!

Please help I've been doing zumba(@home) and I would like to know some different exercises to do to burn calories..HELP!


  • cwatson1214
    cwatson1214 Posts: 88 Member
    i am doing debbie seibers slim in 6, starts out feeling easy, but then once you get into it, you can feel the burn. I am liking it alot. I am into week 2 and see the difference already

    email me if you want more info on it
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Lots of stuff to do at home!

    Exercise DVDs - instead of going out & buying one right away ... test drive a few if you can. Library / Netflix (rental) or Netflix streaming / Youtube / RedBox has a few fitness games (Xbox & Wii). This will help you narrow the field. is an excellent resource for "Shopping." They sell tons of videos & have video clips, reviews by professionals, information provided gives you a list of equipment needed, impact level, choreography level ..... basically I don't buy anything until I've checked it out on this site.

    My favorite cardio is Walk At Home by Leslie Sansone (I can't dance) and Step Aerobics (more intense)

    For strength training I like Kelly Coffey Meyer .... 30 Minutes to Fitness is a series with lots of options: bootcamp, kickboxing, circuit, step, etc.