What was your final straw?



  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    My final straw was a couple of things....one of my closest friends came for a visit and we spent the whole weekend eating and drinking...and she was taking lots of pictures. So, when she went back home and emailed the pictures to me, I was grossed out by what I saw!! Then my husband came home and informed me that we were going on a cruise, our first, for New Years'....and I didn't want to be the fat chick on the cruise! I started on April 16th and have lost 12lbs, but am at a bit of of a standstill...but I will keep at it..Something's got to give!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    And few different things things. My cute summer clothes don't fit, I was wearing nothing but yoga pants because my jeans didn't fit, and the very final straw came 2 days ago when I was put on meds after being diagnosed with IBS. I shouldn't have to take medicine because I want to eat like crap.
  • DeidreWestover
    My knees started popping and creaking at 31 years old! I suddenly realized that I deserved better than that! I deserve to be able to do the things I love and live a long healthy life.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    the thought of one more pity party!!!
  • Brittonloves
    Mother's Day last year-- came home from working 34 hours in three days and knew that as hard as I had worked that weekend, I was only 20 years old and my coworkers in their mid 30s were doing just fine. Meanwhile, I could feel every bit of fat on me and every breath was difficult. I just felt TIRED, and for some reason I knew that beer and fried foods were only going to make it worse. I need to remember that moment today-- I'm getting tired of this struggle, but I know it's better than the alternative. Thank you for the reminder.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    My mother sent me pics she took of everyone on our trip to Disneyland. I just never saw myself in the mirror as that big! But I was. Each pic, there I was with a double chin, or my butt or belly looking enormous. And I looked so old! I took those pics and taped them up on the monitor of my treadmill and got to work. It's really hard to hit that "stop" button when you have to look at a horrible pic of your cellulite!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    When my daughter's boyfriend commented that I wear a lot of dresses. I thought to myself, " It's because I'm too big to fit in any of my pants.
    So in search of a calorie counting app for my phone, I found this site and sign up. I've lost 3 lbs since Tuesday. 29 to go. :wink:

    OMG this is so me right now!! I'm only wearing dresses because my pants are too tight.
  • killernut
    killernut Posts: 11
    My final straw was when I recently went to a local amusement park, and couldn't ride two of my favorite roller coasters. I'm so big they can't get the seatbelt latched.

    I don't think I'll need a drastic weight loss to get it, somewhere between 10-20 pounds will do. But this has given me the motivation to finally get serious about my health. And I'm enjoying it so far!
  • Bxwarren13
    Bxwarren13 Posts: 19 Member
    When my mother in law and her mother in law whispered behind my back "Do you think she's pregnant again?".....

    ...... ouch.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    I was laying in bed on a Sunday afternoon and realized that I had let other people and situations take complete control over me to the point that I had stopped taking care of myself. I had done a photoshoot with my daughter and could not believe I had allowed myself to balloon to almost 170 lbs. I got out my daughters stroller and we went for a power walk. Later that week I joined the gym. 5 months later, I am nearly 30 lbs down and in a size 6. I will never let anyone or anything stress me to that bad point again.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    When I went to the gyn for a new birth control and while it works, and she said it would, she said, "You're within the weight range, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you lost some weight."

    I went back a month later for a check up and she was stunned. I had lost four pounds. She asked me if what she said had pushed me to do that, and I said yes. And she said, "Well, you are probably the only woman to ever LOSE weight while on Implanon."

    She asked what I was doing to lose and she's suggesting MFP to others now as a result. I have A LOT more to lose, but that's really what did it. I was causally counting calories, but now, I'm doing it religiously. I had to stop 30 DS for a couple of reasons, but aim to get back on it as soon as I am clear of this last illness.

    Implanon caused me to gain a lot of weight too.
  • shannong311
    shannong311 Posts: 59 Member
    The last 5 months my blood pressure has been high... that was the last straw for me.
  • moodykat
    moodykat Posts: 3
    Final straw was when a coworker I haven't seen for awhile had said to me, "What happened? You got so fat". =(

    Atleast now I can thank her for getting my butt in gear, ha.
  • SilentJo
    SilentJo Posts: 66
    My final straw was when I was spending time with my family and we were joking about school, and we started talking about gym class. Somehow we ended up daring each other to doing as many push-ups/sit-ups as you can do in one minute. I figured that I'd be fine because I was pretty active in school as far a gym class. My stomach hit the floor well before I was completely down for a push-up, and it was too much in the way for me to complete a sit-up. It was really embarrassing and that really showed me how much I had changed since high school.

    I haven't tried doing any push-ups or sit-ups again, but I have lost over 20lbs in the past 2 months, so I know I'll be there before I know it :)

  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I rarely allowed pictures to be taken of me. At a Christmas party my son grabbed the camcorder and filmed me without me knowing. When I looked at the video I was appalled. I had stopped looking at myself in the mirror and though I knew I was fat I was in denial about how much. I deleted the video and vowed to fix things.
  • pumpkinoodle
    pumpkinoodle Posts: 36 Member
    I got tired of looking at what I don't have and decided I'd rather stay motivated by looking at what I do have - the power to be healthy. I may never have big boobs and a flat tummy, but I certainly can monitor my BMI. I can take the steps necessary to get down to a healthy, happy weight. :smile:
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    The final straw for me was seeing how much I weighed at my 6 week check up after having my son. I guess I really thought the weight I had put on during the pregnancy really would just vanish after those 6 weeks. And when it finally hit me that it wasn't going anywhere, I decided I was going to make it go away. I was going to change because I was wanted to be there for my kids and I knew going down the road I was going wasn't gonna let me be here for them.
  • natasha160
    natasha160 Posts: 3
    Ive had about a 100 "final straw moments" I just wish I would find one that would stick around. I really want to have another baby but I do not want to add any weight to my current weight. any support my way would help. I am refusing to step on the scale at this point because every time I do it is like permission to eat more...
  • natasha160
    natasha160 Posts: 3
    Well same boat, Im pissed at me too... I am on day 2 of genuinly tracking, and Zumba is a regular part of my routine 3- 5 days per week. Here is the worst part....I actually worked for Jenny Craig...How Ironic right? I would love a buddy/accountability/weigh in friend if you need one.