Dealing with social events...



  • temsabi
    temsabi Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the great tips! Apart from weddings, my friends are the restaurant types (we live in small apartments!) so snacking isn't the issue for me (I trained myself to stay away from snack food a loooonnnggg time ago, thank goodness!), but it's showing up at a restaurant where, yes, people expect you to eat, but I really have no clue how many calories I'm actually consuming. And I'm one of those people who, if I order only a salad at a restaurant, ends up feeling bitter about life. Not to say people who order salads should feel bitter, I just have this weird complex about salads in restaurants, like I'm missing out on something...

    I really like the idea of filling up on veggies beforehand, I guess I just have to plan ahead better--but even then with my calorie allowance having broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower with dip still dips into my numbers quite a bit--it's frustrating! Also, red wine sounds like a much better bet for me if I'm trying to be good...the only problem is my sweet tooth is a very powerful voice in my head! It will definitely take some inner-strength to go for the red wine instead of the margarita! I try to stay away from diet drinks but it may be worth it to mix a bit of diet sprite with wine to help my cravings, thanks :)

    Also, with the 1,200 calories: I work a desk job, so it doesn't shock me the numbers are so low. It would be nice to be able to have more than a latte and bran muffin for breakfast without worrying that I've already ruined my chances for staying within my calorie goal for the day. I'll definitely check-out those Eat More to Weigh Less posts, thank you!!
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    Parties are the one place I have been able to practice self-control (my weight problem stemmed from bored eating at home). Some tips I've found useful:

    1. Drink a tall glass of water before going to the party, or make it your first 'drink' when you get there. Not only will you feel more full, but you'll be hydrated in advance of having alcohol.

    2. Pick and choose. You don't need to try every single thing there. Peruse the spread before sampling anything, and decide which things you MUST eat (for me it's shrimp, because I don't get to have it at home) and what you can pass on this time (Auntie Em's lasagna, which I've had a million times).

    3. If it's a buffet or a sit-down party, make only ONE plate of food. Do not go back for seconds. This is actually my main strategy. If it doesn't fit on my plate, then I don't eat it. Exceptions to this are raw veggies, salad that isn't soaked in dressing, and steamed vegetables (all-I-can-eat asparagus, woohoo!).

    4. When it's time for dessert, follow rules 2 and 3 with one major change--use a much smaller plate. Again, seconds are okay if it's, say, fresh fruit. But don't go back for more of those chocolate-covered peanut butter balls. ;)

    5. Someone else mentioned this already--try not to focus on the food while you're there. The party is usually about the company, not what you're eating.

    6. Regarding alcohol: I don't drink, so personally it's not an issue for me. However I know I'm in the minority. So do what my family does. When you arrive (and AFTER you've had your water, lol), choose a drink that you can nurse for most of the evening. Even a high-calorie drink can make less of an impact if you're spreading it out throughout the evening. Bloody marys are good for this, as is red wine. Bonus--you drink less without giving it up entirely, and less chance of getting drunk! ;)

    7. Last, don't be afraid to tell the host/hostess (BEFORE the party, by calling or taking them aside) that you're watching what you eat!! Everyone's family is different but I find that mine is VERY supportive of my weight loss. Make it clear that you're still going to enjoy everything but that you're reducing how MUCH you eat. My MIL used to ask us all if we had enough and would be really upset if she thought we were still hungry. Sometimes we'd get more food out of guilt! Now, though, she understands what we're doing, and the insistence on seconds has disappeared. She sees us still enjoying ourselves, and she also knows we don't require special foods or anything, and it's made her relax more.

    These guidelines have served me well for every party, wedding, get-together, and buffet I've ever gone to. When I break a rule, I FEEL it. Try them out and I hope it helps you! :D
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can't not partake at celebrations either. I think keeping up exercise is the key. Get up earlier if you have to, but get in an intense workout. And when you are not celebrating, eat a little lighter than usual. Since you know there will be high calorie days, have low calorie days so that the calories average out over several days.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I don't think anyone mentioned this yet, but EXERCISE!!!! The more you exercise the more you can eat!
  • crissy1121
    crissy1121 Posts: 5
    My mother in law always has everyone crowded around her chips and dip in the kitchen, which is separate from the rest of the house. So either I sit alone in the other room away from the food or I bring a huge tray of veggies and dip. When I do that is usually the thing that gets eaten first by everyone. Also since it is summer it is easier to put out a variety of fruit and veggies.

    Of course add an extra workout into your day that day and maybe the day after just for safe measure.

    Enjoy your alcohol just set a small limit before you leave for the party. I know when I break the 2 drink limit, its on like Donkey Kong. So I set mine limit right there at 2 drinks for the day. Saves a lot of cals. Unless of course it is a SUPER special occasion, say your siblings wedding or something like that.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    are you adding exercise calories to your 1200 base calories? 1200 should be your starting point...then add on the exercise calories. At least doing this will give you a little buffer room for parties :) There are always going to be parties or special events where food is involved. You are wise to learn how to live amongst the parties and adapt accordingly (instead of going off the deep end or avoiding the special events)...this is a life style) :)
  • temsabi
    temsabi Posts: 45 Member
    are you adding exercise calories to your 1200 base calories? 1200 should be your starting point...then add on the exercise calories. At least doing this will give you a little buffer room for parties :) There are always going to be parties or special events where food is involved. You are wise to learn how to live amongst the parties and adapt accordingly (instead of going off the deep end or avoiding the special events)...this is a life style) :)

    I am adding exercise to this, but it's still hard :( In all I average around 1,500-1,600/day, but most days I don't have time for exercise because of my work schedule. When I can I go to Zumba after work, but I also have other commitments after work that make it so I can't fit exercise into my schedule everyday without becoming a cranky, sleep-deprived witch. I love the days when I Zumba because it really does help me have a better outlook on my body and life, there just isn't enough time in the day for everything. If only I could quit my job...