i took a day off because...help!

I am doing 30 ds and i have sucessfully completed 15 days. Yesterday was sixteen and i had to stop near the last circuit round. Ever since i started level two i get these really weird headaches. But yesterday it came in one big wave..it started at the back right part of my head and was extremely sharp..all the way to the right side of my forehead. I was in so much pain i started crying. Then through out the day that part of my head was extremely sensitive..almost bruised feeling. I took the day off today to rest my body..hoping thatll do the trick. I feel completely guilty about skipping today but im almost scared to do it and have it happen again. Could it possibly be dehydration?? I usually always have my breakfast and drink a glass of water and wait an hour before workout so it sets in..but yesterday i only waited fifteen minutes because i was in a rush. Does dehydration hurt that bad?! Help!


  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    Drink lots of water today while resting, make sure you're getting enough vitamins, minerals and protein. I suggest making sure someone is with you when you try again, just in case. It could be a # of things.

    If you don't have heart or blood pressure problems, I'd also suggest taking some L-Arginine 30 mins before the workout. It will enlarge blood vessels and capillaries to promote circulation and helps blood bring more nutrients to muscle and tissue, especially during exercise. I take this when I have headaches, along with ibuprofen and it helps alot. But please, regardless of what you decide to do, make sure someone is with you in case you need a hand!
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I feel your pain...sorta. I used to get headaches after or even during workouts almost everyday. I thought it was because I was dehydrated, but I upped my water intake a lot and I always drink water during my workouts too, but it didn't help. I was even getting fatigued to the point that I ended up going to the doctor. They didn't find anything wrong, but I posted about it in the forums here and people suggested that I up my calories and update my settings. I also wasn't losing weight either. My calories had been set at 1200 at the time. I took the advice and updated my information and mfp upped my calories to 1530! I started trying to eat that much and in just a couple days the headaches went away and I started losing weight. I say all that to say that it's possible that it could be dehydration, but you might just need to eat a little more. I also make sure to eat a protein bar or something right after I workout too. Also, when you're working out make sure you're breathing well too. I used to hold my breath a lot which can cause headaches too.

    I probably didn't help a whole lot, but hopefully I gave you a few things to check out. If all else fails then you could go to the doctor and see what they say. Hope you feel better!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I am doing 30 ds and i have sucessfully completed 15 days. Yesterday was sixteen and i had to stop near the last circuit round. Ever since i started level two i get these really weird headaches. But yesterday it came in one big wave..it started at the back right part of my head and was extremely sharp..all the way to the right side of my forehead. I was in so much pain i started crying. Then through out the day that part of my head was extremely sensitive..almost bruised feeling. I took the day off today to rest my body..hoping thatll do the trick. I feel completely guilty about skipping today but im almost scared to do it and have it happen again. Could it possibly be dehydration?? I usually always have my breakfast and drink a glass of water and wait an hour before workout so it sets in..but yesterday i only waited fifteen minutes because i was in a rush. Does dehydration hurt that bad?! Help!

    Go to your doctor. The way you explain it almost sounds as though you have had a leakage of blood or something.

    Seriously, go to your doctor because a sharp pain like that that makes you cry should not occur.

    Hope all is okay and in answer to your question, no, dehydration would not hurt that bad, with dehydration you would be more likely to feel as if you are going to swoon and faint.
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    I am doing 30 ds and i have sucessfully completed 15 days. Yesterday was sixteen and i had to stop near the last circuit round. Ever since i started level two i get these really weird headaches. But yesterday it came in one big wave..it started at the back right part of my head and was extremely sharp..all the way to the right side of my forehead. I was in so much pain i started crying. Then through out the day that part of my head was extremely sensitive..almost bruised feeling. I took the day off today to rest my body..hoping thatll do the trick. I feel completely guilty about skipping today but im almost scared to do it and have it happen again. Could it possibly be dehydration?? I usually always have my breakfast and drink a glass of water and wait an hour before workout so it sets in..but yesterday i only waited fifteen minutes because i was in a rush. Does dehydration hurt that bad?! Help!

    Go to your doctor. The way you explain it almost sounds as though you have had a leakage of blood or something.

    Seriously, go to your doctor because a sharp pain like that that makes you cry should not occur.

    Hope all is okay and in answer to your question, no, dehydration would not hurt that bad, with dehydration you would be more likely to feel as if you are going to swoon and faint.

    Really? But if it doesnt stay around?? Would that still give me a possibility as a leakage? Im not sure i understand what a blood leakage entails! And thank you everyone for helpong me try to figure this out!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I am doing 30 ds and i have sucessfully completed 15 days. Yesterday was sixteen and i had to stop near the last circuit round. Ever since i started level two i get these really weird headaches. But yesterday it came in one big wave..it started at the back right part of my head and was extremely sharp..all the way to the right side of my forehead. I was in so much pain i started crying. Then through out the day that part of my head was extremely sensitive..almost bruised feeling. I took the day off today to rest my body..hoping thatll do the trick. I feel completely guilty about skipping today but im almost scared to do it and have it happen again. Could it possibly be dehydration?? I usually always have my breakfast and drink a glass of water and wait an hour before workout so it sets in..but yesterday i only waited fifteen minutes because i was in a rush. Does dehydration hurt that bad?! Help!

    Go to your doctor. The way you explain it almost sounds as though you have had a leakage of blood or something.

    Seriously, go to your doctor because a sharp pain like that that makes you cry should not occur.

    Hope all is okay and in answer to your question, no, dehydration would not hurt that bad, with dehydration you would be more likely to feel as if you are going to swoon and faint.

  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hope it's nothing serious. :frown:
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    If you have insurance, go to the doctor.

    If you don't, figure out a way to get some medical advice. Posting on a weight loss forum is not the best route here.

    That said, drinking water throughout your workout AND eating more may help. Decrease your workout intensity perhaps. Pain means STOP especially if it doens't go away in a few minutes.

    Please be careful.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    It's only been happening during exercise? Or has it happened at other times as well? I ask because you could be straining your neck during exercise. I've had that happen to me before. And I do get that "bruised" sensation afterward. I have to be careful that I'm keeping proper form and that I'm not lifting too much weight or over exerting myself.
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    i have had to stop for two days because of the toll it's taking on my knees. i don't know what the problem is but i've stopped all of my extra fun stuff (biking, walking, etc.) until i'm through with jillian. i'm stretching and i'm not overextending so i don't know what the issue is. we only have two days left of it and i can't wait to be done.

    on level 3, there is this move, i think it's in circuit one.... you are planking and you have to do these awkward sort of jumps (knee to chest) then you get up and do these sumo squat moves where you're jumping and barely lifting your feet off of the floor... eh, i don't know what they're called cause i'm usually already cussing her out and i can't hear what she's saying.... but coming up from plank to standing, each and every day, i get a HUGE headache. i've gotten to where i will slowly lift my body, head first, one leg, then the other, just to deal with the overwhelming ache that overcomes me. it's like headbanging for an hour and a half.... feels like all of the blood is rushing to the front of my head and i'm gonna fall over... it always makes me feel icky. i've tried to modify everything about that circuit but i haven't found a solution yet.

    i don't know what causes mine but you're not alone on having weird things happen to you.
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    Thank you...i will try to get to the doctor as soon as possible..or get medical advice thats for sure. Maybe i should just stick to level 1 and add yoga or going for a walk to my excercise routine. And yes..only during excercise. Its deffinitely in my head though..not my neck. I especially get it when im half way through and my body is all worked up. Yesterday it felt bruised but not so much today...thank you all for your help. It really makes me feel guilty that i cant work out today but i know im probably better off resting today. Im also vitamin d deficiant and dont take anything for it..i know i know. Im sure that has nothing to do with it but should i start taking a daily vitamin?
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    i have had to stop for two days because of the toll it's taking on my knees. i don't know what the problem is but i've stopped all of my extra fun stuff (biking, walking, etc.) until i'm through with jillian. i'm stretching and i'm not overextending so i don't know what the issue is. we only have two days left of it and i can't wait to be done.

    on level 3, there is this move, i think it's in circuit one.... you are planking and you have to do these awkward sort of jumps (knee to chest) then you get up and do these sumo squat moves where you're jumping and barely lifting your feet off of the floor... eh, i don't know what they're called cause i'm usually already cussing her out and i can't hear what she's saying.... but coming up from plank to standing, each and every day, i get a HUGE headache. i've gotten to where i will slowly lift my body, head first, one leg, then the other, just to deal with the overwhelming ache that overcomes me. it's like headbanging for an hour and a half.... feels like all of the blood is rushing to the front of my head and i'm gonna fall over... it always makes me feel icky. i've tried to modify everything about that circuit but i haven't found a solution yet.

    i don't know what causes mine but you're not alone on having weird things happen to you.

    I get dizzy too...but this kind of headache is different!! Its in the very back of my head and very sharp. I had serious knee problems too at the beginning. I finally have my knees feeling better. Good for you for pushing through though! I hope i can get back in the saddle tomorrow!
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Thank you...i will try to get to the doctor as soon as possible..or get medical advice thats for sure. Maybe i should just stick to level 1 and add yoga or going for a walk to my excercise routine. And yes..only during excercise. Its deffinitely in my head though..not my neck. I especially get it when im half way through and my body is all worked up. Yesterday it felt bruised but not so much today...thank you all for your help. It really makes me feel guilty that i cant work out today but i know im probably better off resting today. Im also vitamin d deficiant and dont take anything for it..i know i know. Im sure that has nothing to do with it but should i start taking a daily vitamin?

    Yes, you should start taking a vitamin d supplement. When I went to my doctor that was the 1st thing he told me was to start taking a daily vitamin in addition to vitamin d and also calcium supplements.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I would see your Doctor. Most likely it's nothing serious but go get it checked out so you can put your mind at ease. Your health is top priority! 30DS will still be there when you're feeling well again. Until then...make a Doctors appoint asap and be kind to your body and rest:flowerforyou:
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    thank you much!!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I had to take two days off because I was having seriously disturbed sleep. I completed my shred in 30 consecutive days then on day 31 I did a full 7 circuits of banish fat boost metabolism. That night and the following nights sleep was awful. I would jerk awake between 10-15 Times per night, leaving me seriously exhausted the following day. My heart felt like it was racing, almost like I was anxious or scared when I wasn't. I have no reason to feel anxious and I have never had any anxiety problems in my life. I can only assume this was caused by me overdoing it, and stupidity thinking I could do 31+ days exercise without any rest. Two days later im feeling better but lesson learnt the hard way! Rest is very important!!! Another example of the shred doing strange things to you!
  • nigel061
    nigel061 Posts: 109
    go to a doctor !
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I was getting headaches & dizziness while working out as well before & I was exhausted so I finally started upping my calories b/c I think my body was so hungry b/c of all of the working out & eating too few calories....I gave myself a few days off from exercising & upped my calories & when I started back up again I felt so much better w/way more energy & no headaches or dizzy spells...HTH!! Just be careful, give yourself a couple of days of rest & run your numbers on this site to make sure you are eating enough!!

  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Umm... im an LPN and there is a chance this is nothing, but there is also a chance that this is something serious. You need to see your doc, ASAP. Till then i think you need to take it easy. Drink lots of fluids as well.