Celiac / Gluten-Free?

I just learned that I need to cut gluten out of my diet :o( Until yesterday, I didn't know very much about this.

Any tips on decent substitutes for baking, etc?

I think I can do this, but any suggestions from people living a gluten-free lifestyle would definitely help me!

Thanks :o)


  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i lived GF for 3 months for a special diet while trying to get pg last year, it is HARD and EXPENSIVE. my suggestion is to google GF and find recipes and subsitutions. one big thing to remember is that just b/c a food is GF, doesn't mean it's healthy. M'n'M's are GF as are Fritos, so watch out not to eat "crap" just because it's GF. at the end of the 3 months, i really could look at a food and know if it was GF or not, and it was MUCH easier than the beginning. i also found shortcuts and saved money. look to whole natural foods and try to avoid packaged foods as gluten "hides" in ALOT more than you think. good luck - you can do it! :smile:

    (PS i lost 17 lbs while living GF and i still eat about 75-95% GF)
  • gtamomof2
    gtamomof2 Posts: 27
    My father lives Gluten Free but we are not sure if he is Celiac or not. I've been doing some research into it myself and I'm finding in my area there are more and more options popping up all the time. Even the Resturants East Side Marios and Lonestar have Gluten free menus/options!

    Going Gluten free is definately easier when you prepare your foods yourself. The more natural a substance obviously the easier it is to tell what is in it! I'm not gonna lie, It is considerably more expensive perticularly if you like Breads and Pasta as much as my Dad and I do.

    My dad has done quite a bit of baking with Corn flour and others, and for my Christmas cookies I found Rice flour worked well in my Shortbread (although a bit gritty - not as smooth as regular flour but may have been how fine it was ground)

    I am waiting on testing for myself to find out if I am celiac as well, in the mean time, I have been making choices while I wait to avoid (not eliminate). Friend me if you want, and we can maybe swap ideas!

    One more thing that I have found - Gluten free pasta and Breads tend to have a considerable amount more Calories than regular - one more thing to watch of course!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    We have a gluten-free group with lots of advice for newbies:


    Best thing is to stick to whole foods, not to try to substitute and afford a bunch of commercially process products high in sugar and starch. Eat fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, unprocessed animal products if you eat them, etc.

    I am vegetarian, grain free, dairy free, and some other allergies. My diary is open and I am happy to answer questions.