
Well they are little cravings but mainly because the food is there I want to eat it. The past 2 days I have been really good at controling them. Does anyone have any ideas on ways to control cravings or get the ideas of eating because it is there out of my head? Thanks so much! Love the site!


  • anglroxy9
    Well they are little cravings but mainly because the food is there I want to eat it. The past 2 days I have been really good at controling them. Does anyone have any ideas on ways to control cravings or get the ideas of eating because it is there out of my head? Thanks so much! Love the site!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Boy. If I could figure that one out, I could make a bundle. I'm sure there are many reasons why we have cravings, but for me, my most successful "hints" would be:

    ~Plan your exercise for the time that you usually have the most "Need to Feed". For me, that's nighttime.
    ~If there is some food you have a problem staying away from, don't buy it. If you live with other people, they need to hide it from you.
    ~Sugar begets sugar
    ~I can't eat just one of anything. Didn't LAYS have an entire marketing plan....? Don't buy stuff you can't have "one" of.
    ~Drink water first when you get a craving
    ~Eating 6 small meals 3 hours apart helps stop my cravings.
    ~Plan foods before you eat them. Log them in the food diary before eating them. I plan the whole day before eating -- --usually.

    When you slip up, start again as soon as possible.
    Check in with us. We'll keep you busy and you can't type and eat at the same time...
  • breakingthepath
    I have the same problem, and ignoring it usually ends in me eating two or three other things and then the food in question on top of it. Just dole yourself out a serving of whatever it is and eat it. Seriously.
  • crystalicfusion
    A lot of times, depending on what your craving you may actually be lacking something. If your craving sugar, quite often you protein intake is too low. Eat something low in fat that is a good source of protein. i.e. boiled eggs. If thats not appealing try fruit instead then get yourself busy doing other stuff so you don't think about it...reading, cleaning etc.. In my case I like to keep Stevia in the house. Then when I get a craving for sugar I make me some tea then add stevia and a little lemon that helps me cure a sweet tooth. I also crave salt, so when I get there instead of heading for chips I eat air popped popcorn with the Pam/olive oil spray and sea salt. or pickles. Most of all stop and think about if you are really hungry or if you just want it because its there. Also, turn off the tends to make the problem worse with all the commercials and stuff. Find a hobby...anything to keep your mind busy.
  • OntheSand
    My weakness (one of many) is brownies. And of course, my job provides food for their employees almost every day. Granted, this food consists of Starbucks pastries, or chips, cookies and the like. Well, I had been doing really good in turning them all down, until yesterday happened. Someone brought in two whole pans of homemade brownies. I would walk by it, and look at it and then force myself to walk away. It was tough since then I began craving anything sweet, but just stuck to my water and my work, and before I knew it, the day was over and my craving was gone... It's just a matter of biting the bullett, and riding it through.

    Though some would feel that you should give in to your cravings otherwise they will stay on your mind and when you actually do get to have them, you end up eating like twelve. :)

    The way I figure it - that brownie may be the difference between 1 pound lost by the end of that week!

    Also remember - Nothing Tastes as Good as the Feeling of Losing Weight!!! :)

    Good luck to you and be strong! :)