

  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Don't worry about it. One day does not mean anything. If you want to ensure that it does not continue to happen, buy this book and read it.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Chronic binging is a form of eating disorder. If this happens every so often or you find yourself having the urge to binge, going to a doctor and getting it diagnosed would be a wise course of action.

    If this is not a regular occurrence, then it very well could have been emotional eating, which happens to us all from time to time. Happened to me yesterday, actually. Felt absolutely disgusting. Regardless, it is not the end of the world and whatever you've been doing to try to get healthy up until now has not really been compromised.

    Getting healthy isn't JUST about calories. It's about learning how to treat your body, getting into a mindset of forgiveness and acceptance of your body, improving your cardiovascular fitness, increasing your muscle mass, and providing your body the appropriate nutrients that it needs. You don't "undo" all of your hard work with one binge, no matter what the numbers say.

    So do your best to feel better, forgive yourself, and tomorrow do your best to get in some light exercise and be sure to drink lots and lots of water, and you'll be back on track in no time, okay? :)<3
  • Avia16
    Avia16 Posts: 16 Member
    These posts are quite helpful for me too. I have been overeating too. My stomach gets raw each time also. I just jump back on the wagon and think of all the good things that nutrition and fitness give to our bodies. Asking, why do I want to be healthy and fit? It helps me not to think about the things I ate. It helps to look forward onto what I need to do to stay healthy and get back on track. I know it can be hard, but you can begin your fitness and nutrition diet again each time you fall. Just pick yourself back up and keep telling yourself it is okay to fall. The next morning is a new day.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Tomorrow is the solution to most every problem. Sometimes it just takes a lot of them.
  • jennifermaffei17
    You definitely have emotional binging going on. If this were a somewhat regular or typical action you were trying to get rid of then your options would be: 1) eating disorder 2) emotional eating 3) psychological disorder like bipolar or borderline as a lot of people have poor eating habits with certain disorders.

    Eating that much is certainly not "normal" even for those who binge. I'd write off yesterday, start new. But, definitely self-analyze or seek a professionals opinion about your eating behavior. Good luck!