help? confused...

I never really paid much attention to the calories part of all this, I figured if I ate healthy and felt full I would be alright.

SO now that I want to do the whole calorie count to better my weight loss journey, I am beyond confused. MFP says I should have 1470 calories a day....but another site says I should be eating about 1893 a day for the 2lb loss a week.....everytime I think I have this figured out I end up more confused! Is MFP giving me calories to maintain the weight I am at ?


  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    i would think that the mfp number is the what you need to eat to lose two pounds a week. if you don't mind me asking, what is your weight and height?
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    MFP sounds right, depending on your size though. I had over 100 to lose and the numbers MFP picked for me have been working fine. Although I wouldn't do 2 pounds per week unless you are used to not eating much, otherwise it will be very difficult.