Can't shake a bad feeling

WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
I have this terrible feeling I can't hake. I've never felt something like this before and I don't know what to do or what it means. I tried thinking of things that could be the trigger or if I am just stressed. Here are a list of triggers I tried to run through or things that would typically cause one stress.

1. Two days ago, my friends mom died of an aggressive form of cancer and she only found out about 5 prior to that

2. My birthday is on Monday and it's just a day that I hate & it always rains on my birthday.

3. I'm taking a test a few weeks (GRE exams) and I'm depending on my scores to get me into one particular school

I just can't shake this feeling and maybe voicing it is like a self fulfilling prophecy or something, but I am just wondering if anyone ever had something like this before. Am I having my first anxiety attack or something? I'm just so anxious and I feel like something bad is going to happen and the more I think about it the more apparent it is becoming. Anyone out there ever have this issue and what did you do to resolve it?


  • GeminiFairy89
    GeminiFairy89 Posts: 45 Member
    That used to happen to me all the time. All of a sudden I'd be like " omg somethin bad is gonna happen! And it never does. I think its just nerves. Believe in yourself!

    Enjoy your birthday as best as you can.
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 313 Member
    I have suffered with anxiety in the past and what you have described is how it felt. A feeling of dread/fear...bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. It may pass but if it is going on for longer than a few weeks, I would go see a doctor
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    I suffer from low to moderate anxiety, sometimes it gets so bad I can't sleep which can cause me to have bad dreams, sleep paralysis, and night terrors (no fun). The best thing to do is to talk yourself through it. Tell yourself everything will be fine & will work out, life WILL HAPPEN regardless.

    The next thing is to try to get on a regular sleep schedule. I've learned this the hard way with night terrors that would creep me out and make me not sleep. I thought by not sleeping I could avoid it, but in fact that's the opposite. Sleep is so much more important to our bodies than we'll probably ever know.

    Do things that are fun or stress relievers to you, the biggest one, working out. It relieves stress, makes you feel like you've done something and if you can't sleep, sometimes hitting the gym real hard, taking a hot shower, then laying down can make me sleep like a baby. (Notice I've reiterated sleep like 7 times now? :P)

    If things persist with the anxious feelings check into Lithium or 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). These are natural remedies to treat depression, social anxiety, bi-polar, anxiety. I take 2 - 4 5-HTP everyday. The 5-HTP helps balance serotonin which is a chemical in the brain that makes you feel good. It also helps curve appetite, can fight off insomnia and a bunch of other things. Lithium is almost the same thing, my fiance takes that, I take 5-HTP...tomayto...tomoto. When taking these kinds of things though you have to be a prolonged user to feel the full effect. You can't take it for 3 days, expect it to fix everything and give up on them. These kinds of natural remedies have to be used for a little while to get the best results from them.

    I hope this wasn't too much to read and brings you some help. Remember, it's all in your mind and things will work out! Stay positive!
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you everyone! I appreciate the advice and I guess I will have to ride it out. this sudden feeling hit me around 9:30pm and it is now 5:27am where I am so it's been about 8 hours. I never had any sort of anxiety besides the typical stressors such as being late for work or a meeting/ stressing school finals or sitting in traffic. I'm usually so laid back which is weird. the feeling is starting to ease up a little. my mother suffers from severe panic attacks and she said she started getting them around her mid-twenties so perhaps this is something new to look forward too lol? Either way I appreciate the advice and if the issue persists I will look into talking to someone. It just freaked me out a bit because I don't know the trigger
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