Anyone losing weight fast??????



  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I've lost 127#'s in 10 months. Does that count? :-)

    Yes that's awesome great job! :)
  • bii14
    bii14 Posts: 192
    i wish i would start losing so much so fast too :P life would be PERFECT!! :p great job all of you!
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I lost 36 lbs in 9 weeks but I'm 57 and my metabolism isn't as fast as it was. I used to be able to burn it off fast

    That's still awesome!
  • Montanarush
    Montanarush Posts: 76
    I would also like to say that you are doing an awesome job!! Keep up the good work!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I lost 30 lbs in 4 months. But I guess that isn't that fast.
  • Whitney0919
    Whitney0919 Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 42 lbs in 20 weeks, which I thought was pretty fast until I read this!!
  • chickiebabe2
    i hve lost 50 pounds in 4 months. I average bout 3 or 4 pounds loss a week. I hve really cut out high calories from my diet and i exercise a hell of alot. I have been on a mission the last 4 months and next weekend is d day so im really happy with how far i hve got, as of today i only have to lose 3.3 kilograms to my goal weight. I know i wont do that by next weekend but im not worried, i will do it! :)
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I lost 30 lbs in 4 months. But I guess that isn't that fast.

    The only reason I can lose it this fast is because I'm so fat lol that's an awesome loss and amount of time for you!
  • Shange_Gully
    Shange_Gully Posts: 106
    As long as you're sure that you're not losing muscle, then keep it up.
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I've lost 42 lbs in 20 weeks, which I thought was pretty fast until I read this!!

    That is fast great job!
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    As long as you're sure that you're not losing muscle, then keep it up.

    I'm not losing muscle I work my *kitten* off (literally lately actually I wish my *kitten* would puff up and just work my stomach off... lol)
  • Whitney0919
    Whitney0919 Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 42 lbs in 20 weeks, which I thought was pretty fast until I read this!!

    That is fast great job!

    Thanks! I'm pretty proud!! I think my family is sick of hearing about it, but I'm pretty happy with my progress!!
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    I lost 30 lbs in 4 months. But I guess that isn't that fast.

    I'd love to lose it at that rate, what was your plan set out like? :)
  • thinsoundsgood
    i lost 36 pounds in 4 months! now it's a bit slow!
  • mdeffendall
    mdeffendall Posts: 4 Member
    Everyone's body reacts differently as you change your lifestyle. I've been doing well on my journey. As others have said, just ensure you are eating healthily. And most importantly, it is not a diet, it is a new lifestyle. if you go back to the "old" way of living, then you did all this for nothing.

    Start date: Jan 24 2012
    Start weight: 260
    Current weight: 201.6
    Short term goal: 200
    Maintenance goal: 180s
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I lost 44lbs in 8 months lol, thats not fast, but would luv to know what you are doing to lose your weight so fast?

    That's awesome! I'm doing "the diet doc" diet theres a book, website, and they have offices luckily one right by my house!
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    Everyone's body reacts differently as you change your lifestyle. I've been doing well on my journey. As others have said, just ensure you are eating healthily. And most importantly, it is not a diet, it is a new lifestyle. if you go back to the "old" way of living, then you did all this for nothing.

    Start date: Jan 24 2012
    Start weight: 260
    Current weight: 201.6
    Short term goal: 200
    Maintenance goal: 180s

    I have no desire to go back to my old lifestyle although I still do call this my "diet" and I will as long as I live diet isn't a bad word to me. I let myself have what I want every once in a while (like once every other week or so) and I am perfectly content like that moderation!
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm 15 weeks in and down 38 - but the first month was 3.5+ pounds per week, it's slowed down to around 2 per week now - and I plan on slowing down more when I get 10-15 away from my weight as I want to work into it gradually to make sure I stay there.
  • mdeffendall
    mdeffendall Posts: 4 Member
    Everyone's body reacts differently as you change your lifestyle. I've been doing well on my journey. As others have said, just ensure you are eating healthily. And most importantly, it is not a diet, it is a new lifestyle. if you go back to the "old" way of living, then you did all this for nothing.

    Start date: Jan 24 2012
    Start weight: 260
    Current weight: 201.6
    Short term goal: 200
    Maintenance goal: 180s

    I have no desire to go back to my old lifestyle although I still do call this my "diet" and I will as long as I live diet isn't a bad word to me. I let myself have what I want every once in a while (like once every other week or so) and I am perfectly content like that moderation!

    Oh yes, moderation and portion control are the keys to success! that and getting out and getting moving
  • Kishsa27
    Kishsa27 Posts: 28 Member
    In the first two weeks I lost 20 pounds.. then the third week gained back two pounds... fourth week lost those two pounds. This is week 5, I'm hoping that I continue to drop pounds.