Can you make progress on MFP without excercise?



  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. When it comes to weight loss, all that matter is that you eat less energy than your body uses.

    HOWEVER, I'm sure you're well aware of the benefits of exercise. It will help you maintain your muscle as you lose fat. It will increase your physical fitness and health. Eventually, you may even enjoy it and use it as stress relief.

    THIS ^^^^ I have lost a good portion of my weight with out exercise but you just get to that point that you feel the need. Find something you like or have always wanted to try but thought "No way could I ever do that". I walked for 10 min 3 times a day when starting out it helped but things happen and I struggled with wanting to get out and even do that. Then the more weight that dropped off the more I just kept getting the feeling I wanted to move more. I found a wii game I liked and used it in combination with walking and now I am up to RUNNING!!! I never, never would have guessed that possible but here I am living proof. I have also just started to mountain bike. IT IS THE MOST AMAZING THING! I LOVE IT! I can't wait to get out and ride and go to new locations. My suggestions is find something you want to do that is fun to you and go from there. Good luck on your journey.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I saw this on the new HBO documentary and it reinforces what a lot of people have said, but in a succinct fashion.

    Exercise is not terribly important when it comes to losing weight, but it is the single most important indicator when it comes to maintaining weight.
  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes you can, or you can drop down to 1200 calories and burn off 700 calories and not eat them back. Just kidding on the last part, but it happens all the time. If you are at a deficit you will lose weight without exercise but of course the exercise will help you total body over all heart and lungs and toning some
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    lose weight with diet and look good. lose weight with diet and exercise and look good naked.

    Exactly! You'll lose weight because of the calorie deficit...but if you've got a lot to lose, you're going to be flabby. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest. You've got to tone those muscles to look good naked! Also- remember building muscle burns throw in a little exercise, and I know you'll see faster results that you'll like better!
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    lose weight with diet and look good. lose weight with diet and exercise and look good naked.
    We have the bonus answer of the day.

    Just think what else can be accomplished when strength, cardio and yoga training are combined.
    Realize that many people are using exercise for nefarious, devious, carnal purposes.:devil:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Eat at deficit to lose weight. Exercise for health.

    You need to find an exercise you enjoy. You don't need it to lose weight, you do need it to live a healthy life.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You can lose weight watching TV all day. I was never quite that sedentary, but I have succeeded to lose weight at a good rate even while I was not doing a great deal of physical activity. That said, I choose to exercise.

    I like how exercise changes my mindset to think of food as more of "activity fuel." I also like doing things outdoors, and I don't get tired quickly if I'm fit. I can hang on to most muscle, or even build muscle if I work hard at it, as I lose weight.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    You will lose weight with diet alone, but exercise makes your body look so much better. Most people do not start an exercise routine thinking "I'm gonna love this!", but you get used to it. And after a while, you feel crappy when you can't workout.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    lose weight with diet and look good. lose weight with diet and exercise and look good naked.
    We have the bonus answer of the day.

    Just think what else can be accomplished when strength, cardio and yoga training are combined.
    Realize that many people are using exercise for nefarious, devious, carnal purposes.:devil:
    Love this!
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    Short Answer: (haven't read everyone elses replies)

    You can, but it's not the best process.


    Studies show that people who did a calorie restricted diet (like Adkin's..ops did I mention a name) but no exercise lost significant weight in the first year...but put half of it back by three years later

    Studies also show that OBESE people who EXERCISE and are fit have a LOWER HEALTH RISK that skinny people who are coach potatos.

    The benefits of exercise CAN NOT BE OVERSTATED.

    Exercise (Aerobic and Resistance Training) benefit you not only by making you more fit, but by reducing the insulin resistance and thus decreasing the possibility of Metabolic Syndrome - high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, etc).

    Aerobic activity burns glycogen - and improves insulin sensitivity.
    Resistance traing interestingly also improves insulin sensitivity and that's a good thing..but does it in a different way than Aerobic activity. I can link a video of a lecture from UCLA if you're interested.

    Bottom line is both activities help your health and being on a very calorie restricted diet means that at some point along with losing fat you are going to lose lean muscle mass as well. That's not a good thing. People that lose too much lean muscle mass actually had more health risks that in shape obese folks - and that's been proven...I'm not blowing smoke or smokin...well you get the idea.

    So there is a point to losing with exercise...people who do keep the weight off better and longer than just diet alone. That's been proven too.

    So there you have it! I'll get off my soap box now!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Absolutely. I lost the first 75 lbs without one second of exercise. I just cut calories and kept on being the couch potato that got me to this place.

    I did realize that losing weight wasn't all I wanted so I did start exercising about 6 weeks ago. I feel great even though I whine a lot when I am at the gym. I like not being winded when I walk up the stairs to work.