Does eating dinner too late = bloating?

paulkj Posts: 163 Member
What I want to know is if my morning "bloating" has anything to do with me eating dinner approx. 1.5 hours before I go to bed.

I work late (until about 6-6:30pm) and I live approx. 45 minutes away. By the time I get home, get to the gym and come home it's anywhere between 7:45 -8:30pm. I go to bed by 10:00 so that I can be at work by 8:00am. I usually eat dinner, which is a salad with chicken, tuna or eggs and I have fruit for dessert about 45 minutes after I eat dinner. This means that I am basically eating and going straight to bed.

I have been noticing that I am bloated in the morning which, of course, reflects on the scale.

I don't know what else I can do because of the time that I get home and I don't want to work out on a full stomach and I don't want to miss meals either

Any and all advice is welcomed.



  • aariel22
    aariel22 Posts: 37
    Sounds like a hard schedule. Kudos for still going to the gym!
    I've noticed that I get bloating and tummy ache if I eat fruit after or with other foods. I can eat the fruit an hour before a meal and be fine. Maybe you can cut out the fruit or eat it as you leave work...
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I find that I just don't have enough time to workout after I get home. I work until 4:30 and am about 45 minutes away too. I'm a single mom, so I need to go home right away to make gym after work for me! :ohwell:
    Have you ever thought to workout in the morning? I find my day runs so much smoother....
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    What I want to know is if my morning "bloating" has anything to do with me eating dinner approx. 1.5 hours before I go to bed.

    I work late (until about 6-6:30pm) and I live approx. 45 minutes away. By the time I get home, get to the gym and come home it's anywhere between 7:45 -8:30pm. I go to bed by 10:00 so that I can be at work by 8:00am. I usually eat dinner, which is a salad with chicken, tuna or eggs and I have fruit for dessert about 45 minutes after I eat dinner. This means that I am basically eating and going straight to bed.

    I have been noticing that I am bloated in the morning which, of course, reflects on the scale.

    I don't know what else I can do because of the time that I get home and I don't want to work out on a full stomach and I don't want to miss meals either

    Any and all advice is welcomed.


    hey i have the same problem i work till midnight and and stuggle not to eat late also.
    when i get home if i have anything that is close to bed time im bloated and uncomfortable the next morning. best thing that works for me is nothing apart from water 2-3 hours before bed. obvioulsy you need a meal but im just saying thats when i don't get bloated and the scales definately reflect that.

    i know that obviously you are in a routine but i guess things have to change to make change?

    apparantly best things at night i read somewhere are yoghurt and flax seeds cottage cheese berries or a combination. maybe a change of dessert is in order im not sure.
  • trshumway
    trshumway Posts: 7 Member
    You are only supposed to eat fruit 2 hours away from meals - it needs to digest by itself - that is why it is the perfect snack. I eat a cup of fruit about 4:30 before I leave work to go to the gym and it works wonders - gives me lots of energy and then I am not as ravenous when I finally get home and have to start making dinner. So, I would skip the fruit at night unless it is at least two hours after you eat dinner, which would not fit your schedule.
  • trshumway
    trshumway Posts: 7 Member
    Don't eat anything at least 2 hours before bed time, and yogurt is an excellent dessert - satisfies the sweet tooth and you get your essential probiotics that you need.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Don't eat anything at least 2 hours before bed time, and yogurt is an excellent dessert - satisfies the sweet tooth and you get your essential probiotics that you need.

    You can certainly experiment with not eating 2 hours before bed, but there is nothing "magic" about not eating 2 hours before bed. I have a schedule that results in me not eating dinner until at least 8p and being in bed within an hour or so afterward. I never have any problems with discomfort. I believe that the QUANTITY of what is eaten can have a significant effect on how you feel.

    Back in the the days when I was on the "SeeFood diet (you know that old joke"see food and eat it"):laugh: I would overeat and dinner, not sleep well, and feel lousy in the morning. Those days are long gone, but I still eat fairly late at night and continue to lose weight regularly.

    Also, depending upon how your body reacts to certain foods, it could be a food allergy issue. Have you noticed that you have more of a problem after eating eggs, for example? That could mean you have a sensitivity to them.

    As for not eating fruit with a meal, not sure what "authority" came up with that, but with all the different forms of fruit that are a part of my diet, I have never had any trouble eating it with other things. Fruit salad is one of my favorite things. I happen to like yogurt as well, and agree that together they are a great dessert, and I often eat them as part of my dinner, as well as by themselves and notice no difference in the behaviour of my digestive system.

    The only thing that ever makes me remotely feel as though I am a little "puffy"(bloated) is if I consume too much sodium. It loves to hide out in salad dressing, so check your labels to be sure that isn't a hidden source for you.

    I wish you luck in resolving the problem, but I think you can solve it without resorting to extremes. I suggest you try eating a smaller quantity of what you have for dinner. If that doesn't help, experiment with how different ingredients make you react.

    Good luck.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    You are only supposed to eat fruit 2 hours away from meals - it needs to digest by itself - that is why it is the perfect snack. I eat a cup of fruit about 4:30 before I leave work to go to the gym and it works wonders - gives me lots of energy and then I am not as ravenous when I finally get home and have to start making dinner. So, I would skip the fruit at night unless it is at least two hours after you eat dinner, which would not fit your schedule.

    Actually fruit should always be eaten with protein to avoid the blood sugar rollercoaster.