Lost and devastated



  • kprakash
    Wow - I can relate to everything you are saying. I have a chocolate lab who was my best source of positive energy during my dirorce.

    There is a good book called Broken Open which focuses on how such a devestating experience can actually be an opportunity for something wonderful to happen after you have healed.

    I know that exercising and eating right will make you feel better too. You will feel healthy and good on the inside which will help.

    Last night, I actually went out for dinner with my current boyfriend and I ran into friends of my ex husbands. I felt awesome after losing weight (18 pounds) and was dressed sexy and could not help but smirk when their eyes nearly popped out of their head when they saw me. I also had some cleavage happening :) It is petty, I know, but let's be honest - I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they go to work today and tell my ex husband that they saw me.

    Take care!
  • ginnyg
    ginnyg Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you to all,

    my boys (the two gorgeous animals that are in my picture - obviously when they were pups) have been my constant companions through my low points and are currently at my feet under the desk. I really turned a corner the other day and have started to believe that 'if he can't see what he's left behind, thats his problem - not mine"

    I want someone who will love and cherish me for who I am not what they can turn me into - so in truly british style i say Sod him - he's got too many issues that need sorting out and I believe that he will never find anyone who will live up to his very demanding expectations - it was for the most part a good 6 years and I have two lovely dogs to show for it and some very fond memories - time to move on (with maybe a few more tears along the way)

    Gina xxxxx