anyone overcame BINGE EATING?

i really struggle with binge eating disorder... i don't know what to do... i can't get a professional help because i live on my own and only have money to pay for the rent, studies and food, literally...
my question is, IS IT POSSIBLE to overcome it? and HOW to do it?..
the reason why i binge almost always was because i felt deprived - i was eating 1200 or less a day, but now upped to 1500... today i binged just because 'it tasted good' ... there is something really wrong with me, and the worst part is that i can't stop it... i really tried...
binge eating for me means no less than 1000 calories above my maintenance...
help anyone? :'(

also, when i think about it, one of the reasons i binge is because (my life changed completely in past 2 years) i feel 'empty'... i don't know how to describe this feeling, but it's like something is missing from my life...


  • Exactchange
    I don't know what state you are in but there ought to be some sort of eating disorders association and at least a number you can call. I know this isn't very helpful, I'm sorry and I feel your pain as I struggle with the same. I have found that keeping a nutritional balance does help stave off certain cravings that can lead to binges and understanding that certain foods are triggers.

    You might want to look here:

    Hang in there, you are not alone.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I agree with above. There are usually support groups out there for any kind of addiction or eating disorder. Go online and find one in your area.
  • kmr521
    kmr521 Posts: 3 Member
    I can't say I've overcome binging...but I find it comes down to my faith. When I am in God's word and giving Him control over my eating and emotions, I am able to find the self control to "eat to live, not live to eat". I know it sounds a little flakey...the book "Made to Crave" really helps alot. Check it out if you're a believer. I am currently on day 5 of no day at a time.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    There is overeaters anonymous. Google it and find meetings in your area. It's not as bug as AA, but its out there.

    See a therapist to talk out the underlying issues behind binging

    Form a plan for when you feel like binging: I listen to music, take a drive, or take a hot shower or bath with scented oil and salts. Smell is a sense that can help soothe emotional issues as well as taste
  • brandiemhgc
    brandiemhgc Posts: 20
    That is a great saying, Eat to live, not live to eat. I don't think it's flakey at all. I literally could eat 24/7. But I hit rock bottom yesterday. My daughter had Regional Track Meet yesterday, and I saw a pic of myself on the camera, and said time for a change. Hopefully I can stick to it. I quit smoking too so it's been hard to not binge eat. Good luck, I hope you get the help you need. :wink:
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I always have been a binger - never purge, but I certainly sit down and take in days worth of calories in one sitting. It is almost uncontrolllable.

    What I have done that has worked is I eat lots of food now - but all my food is crazy, crazy healthy. I need that sensation of eating lots and having a full stomach, so I just eat multiple servings of veggies in one sitting.

    It helps.
  • francoles
    francoles Posts: 2
    hey i'm totally posting this every time i see someone with the same problem because i've been an overeater + binge eater for YEARS and this has totally changed the way i think about food and exercise and WHY i binge:

    i hope it helps :) and btw there is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU thats the first thing to realise, stop blaming yourself! read the book and see what you think [warning it gets a bit spiritual sooo it might not sit well with you but try it anyways]
  • sarajane31
    sarajane31 Posts: 18
    You mention studies in your original post--do you go to school? Almost all colleges and universities have free counseling available for students if you think you need to talk to a professional.

    I struggle with binge eating, too. For me, it's totally about feeling like my life isn't the way I want it to be. Whenever I'm feeling something missing, I end up eating to fill the void (sometimes the void doubles my calories for the day...eek!). So, I've been trying to focus on what I want to be in my life, and spend time striving toward whatever that is. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I've gone a week without a binge, so I think I'm getting the hang of it.

    Good luck! You are not alone in this!
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    You really need to understand why you binge eat and why certain foods trigger the binge, you mentioned that most binges are due to feeling deprived. you daily diary should show what triggers the binges, perhaps you have been too restrictive in your calorific intake or not eating enough nutrient macros, it might be a good idea to open your diary, if you wish, to help others to see where you might be going wrong. You may find it very difficult to do this on your own so try and get the help you need and it doesn't have to cost you anything.
  • BeachBobbie
    BeachBobbie Posts: 46
    First i would're not alone. Many people binge eat. Especially when depriving yourself of certain foods. Then when you add emotional scars to the mix, overeating just happens. Eating releases a "feel good" hormone that is almost like a drug.
    Since you don't have the money to see someone about the issues you're having, I'd suggest meditationa and research. We are so lucky to have an endless amount information online. As long as you remember that opinions are like *kitten*, everyone has one. Keep the research limited to well known sites with real professionals and scientists not backed by big corporate money, you'll find the answers you need on your own and all you need is time.
    I would like to say that I have my moments that I overeat, but it only seems to happen when I am cutting something out of my diet that I love. Say for instance, cheese. It's so high in calories and fat and I don't do well with dairy, but I LOVE THE STUFF!!! I cut it out of my diet completely and one day I just went nuts. I was so ill the next day, ...... I'll just say I was a mess. Anyway, now if I want cheese, I eat it because a little bit of it doesn't hurt me so much as when I binge on it.
    Remember also that we need more calories than we think. I'm 5'7" and weigh between 158 and 170 lbs. I fluctuate back and forth depending on my workouts. I workout very hard burning around 500 per 45 minutes and I'm a 35 year old married mother of two. I eat 2300 calories a day! Now....sounds like a lot, but when I ate a low amount of calories, I lost weight, but I felt horrible. Tired and always hungry and feeling deprived so i binged BIG TIME every weekend. Once I switched to a higher caloric intake, I lost inches, gained muscle and I feel great. Never deprived and although I still will go over on the weekends, its not by 1,000's.....its more like 100 or less.
    Do the research and take the time to listen to your body, what it wants and needs, and you'll do just fine :)
    Remember, confusing your metabolism with changes is always a good thing. What the crap food does to your health is not. If you're going to go good things. It's your health longterm that's at stake take a deep breath and SMILE! :D
  • BeachBobbie
    BeachBobbie Posts: 46
    oh, i forgot one thing....I've lost more than 10 inches since I switched to higher calorie intake. chest, belly, hips, thighs and calves! My husband is extremely IMPRESSED, if you know what I mean ;)
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    I struggled with anorexia, then binge eating disorder. It's a tough road, but it is possible to overcome it. It might not help, but I wrote about my struggles on my blog and you're more than welcome to read it if you think it might help. Reading about other people's experiences helped me get through it. There are 3 parts and the links are below...

    Hang in there!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Part One that deals with my not eating..

    Part Two that deals with my binge eating

    Part Three: recovery
  • PaperThinLips
    PaperThinLips Posts: 79 Member
    what i did to overcome my binge eating..
    first i don't eat processed sugar very often anymore.
    second, whenever i had the craving i will literally shout out loud how i don't need it and stuff like that.
    third, i have my roomie there to call whenever i'm having an eating problem.
    fourth, i go out onto the porch and just sit, take deep breathes, maybe take out some coffee or water w/ me.
    it took me a while but that's what worked for me.
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    I was a closet binge eater mostly all of my life. I had no idea how to control it, until it contributed to my weight of 315.5 pounds. I was going through a lot of struggles with life and didn't know how to cope with the stress. I stopped the vicious process when I made myself wonder why I was doing it-what was causing me to do it, and how it was negatively affecting my life. For me, it was a matter of getting rid of all of the excuses and forcing myself to stop. Every time I would want to binge, and I still have those urges, I always think about what I want most out of my healthy lifestyle, and all of my goals I have yet to reach. I let myself have days where I don't log, but those are few and far between. One day this past October made me change my life forever, and now I am over 70 pounds lighter, and still no binge.

    You can overcome this, it might not be easy, but you need to figure out why you feel empty and how to better cope with that.

    Best of luck to you <3
  • katewillbethinx2
    Hi! First off, you're not alone. My binge eating is very similar to yours and came about from 3 years of major deprivation and restriction from food. I go to a counselor and a dietitian who specialize in eating disorders, I also see a psychiatrist who specializes in eating disorders. I HIGHLY suggest seeking out your counseling services at your school. That's where I started when I began my struggle (with anorexia at the time), and they will help you. They WANT to help you. It's nice to have a support team behind you and binge eating is so isolating you need all the support from others you can get.

    I also attend a support group with other binge eaters once a week (they are JUST like me.. 20 somethings trying to go about their normal lives while struggling with this handicapping disease).

    I hope you get the help that you are looking for. Don't beat yourself up, it is much more than the food. Have you read any of Geneen Roth's books? She's amazing and will open your eyes to binge eating and the disorder.

    And lastly... it blows my mind at all the responses! SO many people have issues with this! We are not alone in this battle!!

    Good luck and message me anytime if you have any questions or need support! Chances are I've been there, done that. :smile:
  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    You mention studies in your original post--do you go to school? Almost all colleges and universities have free counseling available for students if you think you need to talk to a professional.

    I struggle with binge eating, too. For me, it's totally about feeling like my life isn't the way I want it to be. Whenever I'm feeling something missing, I end up eating to fill the void (sometimes the void doubles my calories for the day...eek!). So, I've been trying to focus on what I want to be in my life, and spend time striving toward whatever that is. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I've gone a week without a binge, so I think I'm getting the hang of it.

    Good luck! You are not alone in this!

    yeah i do. haha i tried :D but they probably thought that i'm crazy and exaggerating about binge eating because i'm not fat anymore... so i did not get any help from there :L
    omg, the reason for 80% of my binges is exact the same as yours :(
  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! First off, you're not alone. My binge eating is very similar to yours and came about from 3 years of major deprivation and restriction from food. I go to a counselor and a dietitian who specialize in eating disorders, I also see a psychiatrist who specializes in eating disorders. I HIGHLY suggest seeking out your counseling services at your school. That's where I started when I began my struggle (with anorexia at the time), and they will help you. They WANT to help you. It's nice to have a support team behind you and binge eating is so isolating you need all the support from others you can get.

    I also attend a support group with other binge eaters once a week (they are JUST like me.. 20 somethings trying to go about their normal lives while struggling with this handicapping disease).

    I hope you get the help that you are looking for. Don't beat yourself up, it is much more than the food. Have you read any of Geneen Roth's books? She's amazing and will open your eyes to binge eating and the disorder.

    And lastly... it blows my mind at all the responses! SO many people have issues with this! We are not alone in this battle!!

    Good luck and message me anytime if you have any questions or need support! Chances are I've been there, done that. :smile:

    hey, thank you for the response! no, i haven't read any of her books, could you please message me about them?
    than you so much!
  • tejoman
    tejoman Posts: 12
    This is something I have always struggled with, the way I handle it is of course to try and not binge, but when I feel the urge I work out like crazy first. That way if I still feel like binging I can and it's not nearly as bad, but a most of the time I feel that working out totally curbs my appetite. Try working out the next time you feel the urge.
  • melzenitram
    melzenitram Posts: 67 Member
    i started binge eating as a kid...entire loaves of bread, raw bacon, whatever was around and no one stopped me. as an adult i would eat and eat until i felt like puking and my jaw was sore and then eat more. now, 55 days in with logging, getting my water in and workouts done, i can honestly say i haven't binged but maybe once. that's ok. i know it's always going tobe a possiblity for me but i now have way more control than i used to. get some support...there are free clinics in most places that can help with counseling like alocal MHMR place. support through mfp pals helps a lot too. feel free to add me and best of luck to you
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I've never seeked help for my binge eating disorder. It stemmed from early childhood where I first suffered from EDNOS and starvation, and eventually led me to binge eating. The only thing that has truly helped me was a low carb diet. I don't know why, but it has worked for me. Maybe because I don't think about food as much because I'm satisfied, I'm not sure. I make fruit/veggie smoothies a lot, and eat a good amount of baked chicken and healthy fats.

    My binge eating is strictly stress related, but I've still found this works better for me.