Need some major diet advice......

rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I know i need to exercise, eat better and drink more water. But i have this one issue, i can't seem to stop eating as much food! I can make myself exercise and drinking water doesn't bother me. It's just that i am having a very hard time of eating when i am bored and eating more then i should. Any tips on how i can get my mind off of food?


  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    I start everyday with something filling. That means fiber and protein. Try eating Kashi Go Lean cereals. They are full of fiber and really make your hunger decrease for the rest of the day. I can actually tell the difference if I have eaten that or another breakfast. The next thing is make sure your fiber and protein are high for the rest of the day. I would double what MFP recommends for fiber according to many health articles I have read.

    I am a sight eater. If it is in front of me, I eat it. I don't have to be hungry. Same thing with boredom. Something that I have done is this. Say you want to eat something and you are over calories or shouldn't be eating it. Drink a glass of water and sit somewhere else. Think, I am going to drink this entire glass of water slowly and wait five minutes. If you still want it and feel hungry for it than eat it. You will find that you probably won't. It sounds silly but it really works for me.

    Good luck!
  • Do something with your hands. Keep yourself busy if you know you're going to be bored the whole day. Go outside, talk to friends, read, etc. Do you have hobbies you enjoy (yeah sounds cheesy I know)? do that instead of snacking. Snacking when you've got no cravings for the food itself and nothing to do really is a biggg way to overeat and its totally unsatisfying and makes you feel crappy.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    I would say that most important is to find foods that you like and taste good...and are less calories than usual. I know, it takes a bit of work and sometimes isn't even fun...but I think it has to be done...there is a lot we CAN eat...and many good substitutions...
    check out the "hungry girl" book...has 200 recipes for under 200 cals. some really great ideas.

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Breakfast - very important.

    It really comes down to resolve...and the dreaded willpower. We all, I'm sure, struggle with overeating, you just have decide that, A) It is possible, and B) You can do it.

    Seriously, I never thought I would get inspired to lose weight again. I had pretty much accepted the fact that I would be big forever, but I'm feeling motivated these days (thanks to this site mostly).

    If you feel like overeating, try to suffer through that feeling without giving in to it. It's like OCD exposure therapy- you have to learn to deal with the anxiety that not giving into your urge brings. Eventually, it has to get easier.

    If you do overeat- every day is a new day. Every meal is a new meal, and a new chance.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I haven't read anyone else's responses but I find a few things helpful.
    1. Make a conscious effort to think about whether you are hungry or just bored. Until it's a habit to not eat all the time, you'll have to make yourself conscious to it.
    2. I have been chewing more gum lately.
    3. Keep your hands busy. I enjoy scrapbooking.

    Good luck! This is for sure a journey!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    wow, everyone has such great advice. I learned something by reading these posts. good luck!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I sometimes have days like this. A good start is to keep track of he triggers and then develop a plan to deal with the problem. As others have said, keeping yourself busy helps, but in my experience some kinds of "busy" work better than others. Gardening keeps me out of the house and away from temptation, and it feels like something "useful". Strangely enough, cooking also works for me, if it's large amounts like cooking ahead for the week.

    If you find that there is an element of anxiety, you need to deal with that. Meditation, yoga, going for a walk, talking to a friend - everybody has different ways of coping.

    Finally, keep only healthy snacks around. I suspect carrots and celery won't be as tempting, but if you do end up eating at least it will be lo-cal and healthy.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I have found a really yummy tea from Yogi Teas - it is called Mexican Chili pepper I think - it is spicy and hot, and has no calories, and makes you feel like you have had something because it has so much flavor. It has Chili peppers, cocoa, ginger and stuff. It's YUM.:drinker:
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    I do really well all day and then after 5pm is when my cravings start. When I'm craving something sweet, no amount of self talk will help. This is why I made the decision not to keep anything unhealthy in my house. No ice cream (I take my kids out for it once in a while as a special treat and I eat one too!) no cookies (Unless they are the 100 cal packs), no chips, ...nothing bad for me. Instead, I keep low fat yogurt, fruit, and tea in the house so if I am craving a little something, those are my only choices. I now only keep low fat, low calorie options for snacking in my house.. I figure that stuff is not good for my kids or my husband either!:wink:

    And yes, I do indulge in a dark chocolate Dove chocolate piece here and there and so far so good!

    BTW-eating a bunch of fiber is SSSOOO helpful! I eat at least 30 grams per day...

    Good luck to you
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My guy uses the reward method. If he really wants something (is craving it), he will let himself have it after he's done 50 situps or 2 minutes of jumping jacks or 3 reps of 20 concentration curls (he keeps the weights beside his desk at home). Then, if he still really, really wants whatever it is, he can have it.

    He's lost over 100 lbs by doing this along with following a low carb, lower fat, minimal junk food diet for the last couple of years. Now he is working on toning up the flab and not gaining it back.

    Also, we splurge every so often...but only if we've been really good on our diets. Too much cheating and we deny ourselves the dinner out or ice cream sundae or whatever unhealthy treat it is we want. :bigsmile:
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