Hello. Recent hip replacement

Hello all. I'm brand new to this site. I had hip replacement surgery 4 weeks ago and I am recovering quickly. I have been overweight since I was a child and that, along with a small birth defect, has led to the hip replacement. As I am only 45 years old, I need to make this replacement last as long as I can and thus need to finally get this weight off. I have 115 lbs to lose and maybe a bit more. I need all of the help I can get! I am using my recovery time to plan my strategy, prepare some food and plan my exercise. I am ready to start swimming and have a doc appointment at then end of the month where I hope I'll get clearance to re-join my yoga class and start biking. My biggest concern is that once I return to work, I will not have the time or energy to keep things going. Any suggestions would be helpful.