Question about water?

I know your supposed to drink X amount of water a day to lose weight...but what is the secret to drink it? I mean after so much, to me it becomes a chore to keep forcing myself to drink it.

Is there a trick to this and/or what are some of the things y'all do?

Thanks in advance as I know this is very important
Ohhh and feel free to add me as I need all the help I can get LOL


  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    If you're looking for a trick, get a really large thermos cup and a straw. My weapon of choice is a Bubba 52oz jug. I fill it up with ice water, stick a straw in it, and sip on it all day. Before I know it, I need a refill.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't really know any tricks to drink it, I just naturally like drinking water. At restaurants I get water with lemon slices in it. At home or on the go I drink bottled water, I find that a little easier than refilling a glass everytime, that can feel like a chore. A bottle of water equals 2 glasses, so once a bottle is done that's 2 glasses down! You can flavor your water with lemons, limes, or whatever else you like. If you aren't into drinking water, maybe start out just replacing one or two of your drinks with water per day then increase it, and eventually rarely drink the other drinks.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Nice water (filtered or bottled)
    Nice glass
    Lemon slice
    Ritualized break
  • teriann1979
    teriann1979 Posts: 75 Member
    Think about it as the key to staying hydrated if you're exercising & helping to flush your system. I sometimes add a few drops of lime/lemon juice for a change - it can be refreshing on a really hot day. I also use water to help cut hunger cravings that hit before it's actually time for me to eat - better than grabbing the danish or sugar bun! I try to keep a competition with myself - seeing if I can maintain 8 or cups a day or pushing to do better if the previous day wasn't so great. Hope that helps.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    If you cut all the bad stuff you can drink out, and replace it with water, after a while you'll find that you no longer crave the sugary stuff. I used to drink 3-4 sodas a day, and i haven't had one in over a year now. When i take an occasional sip, a can't remember why i used to drink them. Too sweet!

    I like to put fresh lemon in my water, which also acts as a natural diurectic. But honestly, i drink a lot of water just because i like it now.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I find I drink more of it and faster when I drink my water from a straw. I bought several straw water bottles.
    Good luck!
  • For a long time it was hard for me to enjoy drinking so much water. After I forced myself to reach for water over everything else for a few months I've now grown to crave almost only water. There are also a lot of no calorie flavor packets like lemonade that make it easy and for the summer heat dump ice in and it's so refreshing :)
  • guildwars1987
    guildwars1987 Posts: 73 Member
    Since joining the Army I have been constantly reminded to "Drink Water!". I just sip on it all day and after workouts i gulp down about 3 cups of water sometimes 6cups and that's almost my days worth. On some days however it's easier to grab a diet soda outta the fridge so I'll try and keep bottled water in the fridge. Here's a cheap trick, drink the bottle of water fill it up and put it back. It's the same S*** regardless. But yeah sip all day and gulp after workouts is how I roll.
  • proctorcj
    proctorcj Posts: 31
    Ok thanks for the great advices...Ill try the straw trick and the lemon to change it up a little.

    But is drinking a glass of unsweet tea the same as drinking a glass of water? Can that be one of my change ups also?
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    I have a large water bottle with a filter and it has a straw attachment so I'm just constantly drinking it.
  • summergirl212
    summergirl212 Posts: 91 Member
    I like using a big tumbler with a straw, before I know it it's empty and it's almost 24oz!
    I also drink a lot of crystal light but I never count that as water, just a treat in between drinks of water.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I like BIG water bottles--like 24-32ozs...and I try to keep one within reach during all waking hours. Today I have had about 17 cups!! I had a 32oz bottle during church...another 4 cups at lunch ( each drinking glass = 2 cups), another 32oz bottle in the afternoon, then a final bottle after dinner...then ANOTHER cup out of my son's cup. Sometimes I add a crystal light on-the-go pack ( 1 to a 32oz bottle) or a squirt of Mio. I don't chug, or push myself to drink...but if it is close at hand, I am more likely to drink it.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Using Mio in about half my water helps me put away gallons. Also it helps when it's extremely cold. And when I'm thirsty like right after a workout, it's easier to chug it, so I drink as much as possible right then.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    Ok thanks for the great advices...Ill try the straw trick and the lemon to change it up a little.

    But is drinking a glass of unsweet tea the same as drinking a glass of water? Can that be one of my change ups also?

    I don't know about that...maybe if it's caffine free? But ew, unsweet tea? lol I'd definitely rather drink the water haha!
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I like BIG water bottles--like 24-32ozs...and I try to keep one within reach during all waking hours. Today I have had about 17 cups!! I had a 32oz bottle during church...another 4 cups at lunch ( each drinking glass = 2 cups), another 32oz bottle in the afternoon, then a final bottle after dinner...then ANOTHER cup out of my son's cup. Sometimes I add a crystal light on-the-go pack ( 1 to a 32oz bottle) or a squirt of Mio. I don't chug, or push myself to drink...but if it is close at hand, I am more likely to drink it.

    Goodness I bet you pee a LOT!! lol, I know I do and I only drink around the 8 glasses a day! I know you are well hydrated though!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I like BIG water bottles--like 24-32ozs...and I try to keep one within reach during all waking hours. Today I have had about 17 cups!! I had a 32oz bottle during church...another 4 cups at lunch ( each drinking glass = 2 cups), another 32oz bottle in the afternoon, then a final bottle after dinner...then ANOTHER cup out of my son's cup. Sometimes I add a crystal light on-the-go pack ( 1 to a 32oz bottle) or a squirt of Mio. I don't chug, or push myself to drink...but if it is close at hand, I am more likely to drink it.

    Goodness I bet you pee a LOT!! lol, I know I do and I only drink around the 8 glasses a day! I know you are well hydrated though!!

    yeah, I do! However, I ended up in the ER 11 months ago with a 14mm kidney stone due to chronic dehydration. After doing some testing, the urologist and I figured out that I need at LEAST 12 glasses to keep from getting more stones.... I would much rather pee all the time than end up having another lithotripsy and scope OR another stent. It was the most miserable 3 weeks of my life!
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I like BIG water bottles--like 24-32ozs...and I try to keep one within reach during all waking hours. Today I have had about 17 cups!! I had a 32oz bottle during church...another 4 cups at lunch ( each drinking glass = 2 cups), another 32oz bottle in the afternoon, then a final bottle after dinner...then ANOTHER cup out of my son's cup. Sometimes I add a crystal light on-the-go pack ( 1 to a 32oz bottle) or a squirt of Mio. I don't chug, or push myself to drink...but if it is close at hand, I am more likely to drink it.

    Goodness I bet you pee a LOT!! lol, I know I do and I only drink around the 8 glasses a day! I know you are well hydrated though!!

    yeah, I do! However, I ended up in the ER 11 months ago with a 14mm kidney stone due to chronic dehydration. After doing some testing, the urologist and I figured out that I need at LEAST 12 glasses to keep from getting more stones.... I would much rather pee all the time than end up having another lithotripsy and scope OR another stent. It was the most miserable 3 weeks of my life!

    Oh wow! Hope you're doing great now! It goes to show that just because we think we get enough water, we still may not be.
  • drink it.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Make drinking water fun....

    I get a really fancy cup to drink mine out of - it is my beer chalice cup but for some reason it helps the water go down easier...

    Put lots of ice in it....even more fun, add flavored ice cubes.

    Lemon, Lime, and/or fresh berries (I usually freeze them and then use them as ice cubes and flavor)

    Try powdered flavor like Crystal Lite, or liquid shots of Mio.

    Herbal Mint Leaves
  • close68
    close68 Posts: 2
    I agree with the using of a straw and I also uns Crystal Light when I start having a little trouble drinking more water.