Looking for friends

Tkzk Posts: 11 Member
Hi there. I'm new to this. I've been tracking food for about 10 days but just joined this site. I've never been noticeable overweight, but I have stomach fat that never went away after having my kids (now 2 and almost 4), and more importantly I am trying to change from a starchy, fatty diet to eating mainly vegetables, but still eating everything else, just in moderation. I'm also trying to work out 2x a week but it's hard to find the time and childcare. If you are interested in friending me please tell me a little about yourself when you write. Thanks! z


  • kitkatwag
    kitkatwag Posts: 84 Member
    I'm always game for more friends/support. I turned 40 this year, my husband and I have a combined 7 kids with 7 grand kids. My youngest s-daughter is getting married on June 1st. I was hoping to have lost more than I have by now. The majority of what I have lost was done 4 years ago when I got divorced. I am now gonna kick this in the booty. I am ready to get healthy so I can run around with the grandkiddos and really enjoy traveling. Nice to meet ya!
  • Tasha_89
    Tasha_89 Posts: 4
    Hi! I'm Tasha :) I have been on MFP for a bit but have mainly been using it for calorie and weight tracking. I've been overweight pretty much all my life but never really took the time to care about it until now. I am also trying to rework my eating habits by cooking healthier and eating in moderation. I try to work out every day but it usually ends up being about 4 times a week. I don't have kids so it is easier to find time. If you want to add me as a friend I'd be more than happy to cheer you on and provide support!