
Hey everyone,

I've been using MFP since January 1st and have actually lost 10 pounds :D I recently figured out how to do the goal thing on here so it says I've only lost 1 haha. I have a thyroid problem so it has been hard to lose the weight. I lurk on the forums a lot and luckily my questions always seem to be answered! Here are my stats.. (are we supposed to do that?) haha

Height: 5'2''1/2
SW: 149
CW: 139
GW: 120

Basically i've been doing this because i need to get healthy and I don't feel comfortable in my clothes. My stomach seems to be my problem area. I really want to get fit, I'd like to be able to see my abs someday...I know they're in there somewhere haha. I eat really well, except sometimes I have a problem with snacking. I hope you guys can see my food journal, let me know what you think!


Also...how do you all keep track of your workouts accurately?