Looking for a little support...

kdomanti Posts: 7 Member
Hi everyone,

I'm not new to MFP by any means (been on for almost a year), but I've never gotten into the Community side of it. Sometimes I check out the posts that show up on the right side of my feed, but that's about it. I find I do my best when other people hold me accountable. If it's just me, I often end up "cheating" more. My fiance tries to support/motivate me, but it's hard when he seems to be able to eat whatever he wants and still look thin as a rail. I actually am a Registered Dietitian, so the nutrition side of things is covered. Whether or not I stick to it is a different story. I'm getting married in just over one month! That's starting to get me more motivated than anything lately. Just started a crossfit/boot camp program, have been running for awhile. I will start by keeping my diary open to the public, even though I'm terrified to. If anyone can relate to my story, or could use a little support too, let me know!! :)


  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Hello! Feel free to friend me if you'd like. I know what you mean about holding yourself accountable. I also know all the right ways to eat - but fall into bad old habits and what I believe are food addictions (for me, anyway). I'm finding if I'm really honest about recording what I eat, I exercise more and eat better. I'm not losing real fast, but hopefully at a rate I can keep it off.