stationary bike increasing thigh size?

Hey everyone
I'm just getting back into exercising after taking a few months off, and have been going on the stationary bike because I feel like I can ease myself back into it, however I'm concerned that daily use of the bike will increase the size of my thighs (which is the main area I would like to shrink)
I am doing anywhere from 30 - 45mins almost daily, and using a resistance level of about 4 (which is quite low, I know)
I am aware that you can't 'spot-reduce' with fat loss, however it seem that during the workouts the area that hurts the most is always my thighs, even though my heart is racing.
Can anyone offer some advice/ease my concerns? I'm so glad to have found a piece of equipment that is working for me and I feel motivated to use


  • theblackbirdtree
    This is an older topic, but something I feel like I've dealt with.
    The stationary bike will only make your thighs bigger if you've lost your layer of fat around the outside of your legs and are utilizing a super high resistance to work the muscles in your legs. You'd also have to have excess weight on your legs (ankle weights, ect.) to bulk that area.
    As long as you bike rapidly, keep your heart rate up, and try to variate between quick and sustained cycling while you bike, you'll get an amazing cardio workout that melts fat from all over your body.

    Posture is everything. I also try to keep my upper body lifted so my shoulders and abs suck in.