Looking for my weight loss twin :)

I'm a 25 year old Mom to a little girl who keeps me pretty busy. I do manage to go to the gym about 5-8 times a week.
I have about 70 lbs to loose, but right now my immediate goal is 16 lbs.

I would love to find someone who LOVES to workout, share any workout tips and share healthy recipes.

My weekly workouts are typically something like this:
Sunday- Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown
Monday-am- spin class, pm- swim laps
Tuesday-am- spin class, afternoon- Jillian Michaels ripped in 30
Wednesday-am-kickboxing, pm-spin class
Thursday- am- spin class, pm- power sculpt
Friday-am spin class
Saturday- am- spin class

I also try to push my daughter in a stroller most days at least for 20 minutes.

If anyone has anything to share that works well for them I'd love to hear it!



  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I envy you! :smile: I am a 29yo SAHM (but rarely home) with 2 girls ages 6 &1. I wish I could go to the gym as often as you do, but finding someone to watch my baby every day is hard. I am able to go to the gym four about an hour (tuesdays 2 hr) though. Tuesdays I yoga, wed I row, fri I elliptical. Also, I just had a trainer showing me the proper form for weight machines, so I have added strength to the days I am at the gym also. Every morning I try (starting a new habit) to work on my abs. And I have been attempting to use the wii active personal trainer (at least the program uses resistance bands) at least 5 days a week (this is hard for me because I am the type that finds something in the house that needs done). I walk my daughter to school every morning, and if I am home or don't have to go anywhere I walk to get her from school too; the walk is about 1.5 mi there and back.

    I do have a fitbit, so in order to help me I have a daily goal of 10,500 steps per day, and to bring my "very active" average minutes up to 30.

    My husband is deployed so my goal is to get to 145 by the end of July. I still have a ways to go, but I last tue I had a personal trainer tell me that if I lose 10# by July 15, she will give me some sessions for free. So far I am -2 to that mini goal. :o)

    Now enough of the rambling for me :wink: feel free to add if you would like.